Apama 10.7.2 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Setting the Apama Preferences | Workbench
The Workbench page of the Apama preferences allows you to customize the Workbench Project View (see also Workbench Project view). It provides the following options:
Project view background color
The background color that is currently used in the Workbench Project View is shown on the button. Click this button if you want to define a different background color. You can then choose a new color in the resulting dialog.
Project view filters
When you define a filter, you specify the pattern that determines which files or folders are to be hidden in the Workbench Project View. By default, all files starting with a period (.*) and Java class files (*.class) are filtered out.
The following buttons are provided:
Add a new filter. Specify the pattern for the filter in the resulting dialog. You can use the wildcards * (any number of characters) and ? (any single character) in the pattern.
Remove the selected filter.
If you want to change the pattern for a filter, you have to remove the filter and then add it once more.