Apama Predictive Analytics Plug-in 10.5 | Apama Predictive Analytics Plug-in Documentation 10.5 | Working with Predictive Analytics Plug-in | Managing PMML models
Managing PMML models
The Predictive Analytics Plug-in supports adding, updating, activating, and removing a PMML model at runtime.
* To add, update, activate or remove a model in an EPL script
1. The Predictive Analytics Plug-in also supports managing resources at runtime through ModelManager API. ModelManager API can be accessed by calling getModelManager() on the ServiceHandler object received in service initialisation onServiceInitialised callback.
action onServiceInitialised(ServiceHandler servicehandler)
ModelManager modelmanager := serviceHandler.getModelManager();

//Add Model1 from PMML_PATH1

//Add Model2 from PMML_PATH2

//Update Model1 from another source PMML_PATH3

//remove model when done
Any errors are reported through default callback onServiceError of service handler.
You can add custom callbacks for the above mentioned functions as described below:
action onServiceInitialised(ServiceHandler servicehandler)
ModelManager modelmanager := serviceHandler.getModelManager();

//Add Model1 from PMML_PATH1
modelmanager.addModelCb("PMML_PATH1", onStatus);

//Add Model2 from PMML_PATH2
modelmanager.addModelCb("PMML_PATH2", onStatus);

//Update Model1 from another source PMML_PATH3
modelmanager.updateModelCb("Model1","PMML_PATH3", onStatus);

//Deactivate Model1
Model model1 := serviceHandler.getModel("Model1")
if(model1.isActive()) {

//remove model when done
modelmanager.removeModelCb("Model1", onStatus);
modelmanager.removeModelCb("Model2", onStatus);


action onStatus(ServiceError serviceError)
log "Received status on configured callback:

For more information, see API Reference for Predictive Analytics Plug-in EPL (ApamaDoc).
For more information, refer to the samples at APAMA_HOME/samples/PredictiveAnalytics/EnergyData ModelManager

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