Precautions when spawning to contexts
You should take care when spawning monitors to a new context if you are using the new Market Data API and SessionManagerInterface. Spawning a monitor to a new context that has already created a SessionManagerInterface will cause problems. On creation of the SessionManagerInterface, the current context is registered with the Session Manager Service. Spawning a monitor that contains the SessionManagerInterface will make a new copy of the interface, but the Session Manager Service will not communicate with it.
If you need to spawn a monitor to a new context and still require the SessionManagerInterface in that context, a new SessionManagerInterface should be created for each new context.
Similarly, once a datastream manager interface, such as BBAManagerInterface, or TradeManagerInterface, has been created, the monitor it was created in should not be spawned to a new context. If you need to spawn their monitor to a new context and still require the datastream manager interface in that context, a new datastream manager interface should be created for each new context.