Apama 10.5 | Apama Capital Markets Foundation Documentation | Capital Markets Foundation | Legacy Market Data Management | Depth and tick DataViews
Depth and tick DataViews
The depth and tick DataView components use the generic CMF DataViewManager component to provide simple table-based representations of market data published by a CMF application.
A new depth DataView is created by constructing a com.apam.marketdata.DepthDataView object then calling its initialise() action. Each row in the DataView table holds market depth data for a single depth key. To add or update a row, call the depth DataView’s set() action, passing in a com.apama.marketdata.DepthKey to identify the row and a Depth event to supply the market data. Rows that are no longer needed can be removed using the remove() action.
The tick DataView object (com.apama.marketdata.Tick) is very similar to the depth DataView. The only significant different is that the set() action takes a com.apama.marketdata.TickKey event and a com.apama.marketdata.Tick event as its arguments.

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