Capital Markets Adapters 10.5 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.5 | Bloomberg B-PIPE Adapter | Configurability
Configurability is a comfortable way of providing fields through predefined MODELS rather than explicitly giving them as input during subscriptions.
Format: XML
Config File has three sections:
Fields are used for providing information regarding Bloomberg field. Where name is used for the BPIPE field and description for information regarding the field.
Every Model has 2 properties mappings,fields. Models have entity 'depends' which allows them to inherit other models fields and mappings. Mappings are used to determine the stream type for a model. Interface in mappings is used to define the streamType of a model. Mappings have map entity. Each map entity has field and name. Name defines the values used for the streamType and field defines the Bloomberg Symbol that will be used while subscription.
This is used for defining the default model for a stream type.
1. Add a field "BEST_BID" with the description "Best bid value - Real Time"
Here BEST_BID is the BPIPE field that can be accessed from the Bloomberg BPS.
<field name="BEST_BID" description="Best bid value - Real Time"/>
Add the above line in the fields section for adding a field.
2. Define a Model "BBAQuoteFields" with streamType "BBA" and fields BID,BID_SIZE,ASK,ASK_SIZE
<model name="BBAFields">
<mappings interface="BBA">
<map name="BID_PRICE" field="BID"/>
<map name="BID_SIZE" field="BID_SIZE"/>
<map name="ASK_PRICE" field="ASK"/>
<map name="ASK_SIZE" field="ASK_SIZE"/>
Names in the BBA fields (BID_PRICE,BID_SIZE,ASK_PRICE,ASK_SIZE) are mandatory.
3. Define a Model "TradeFields" with streamType "Trade" and fields EVT_TRADE_PRICE_RT,EVT_TRADE_SIZE_RT
<model name="TradeFields">
<mappings interface="Trade">
<map name="TRADE_PRICE" field="EVT_TRADE_PRICE_RT"/>
<map name="TRADE_SIZE" field="EVT_TRADE_SIZE_RT"/>
Names in the Trade fields(TRADE_PRICE,TRADE_SIZE) are mandatory.
4. Define a Model "Level2Fields" with streamType "MBP" that contains two level fields BEST_BID1,BEST_BID1_SZ,BEST_ASK1,BEST_ASK1_SZ, BEST_BID2,BEST_BID2_SZ,BEST_ASK2,BEST_ASK2_SZ
<model name="Level2Fields">
<mappings interface="MBP">
<map name="BID1" field="BEST_BID1"/>
<map name="BID1_SIZE" field="BEST_BID1_SZ"/>
<map name="ASK1" field="BEST_ASK1"/>
<map name="ASK1_SIZE" field="BEST_ASK1_SZ"/>
<map name="BID2" field="BEST_BID2"/>
<map name="BID2_SIZE" field="BEST_BID2_SZ"/>
<map name="ASK2" field="BEST_ASK2"/>
<map name="ASK2_SIZE" field="BEST_ASK2_SZ"/>
5. Define a Model BBAQuoteWithEP from models BBAQuoteFields and BBAQuoteEPFields
<model name="BBAQuoteWithEP" depends="BBAQuoteFields,BBAQuoteEPFields">
When a model is dependent on two models of different stream types, apart from the streamType requested other fields will be considered as ExtraParameters
Configuration of the feature from transport parameter properties:
<property name="ConfigurationFileName" value="@CONFIGURATION_FILE@"/>
Replace @CONFIGURATION_FILE@ with the complete path to configuration File.