Capital Markets Adapters 10.5 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.5 | Apama Base FIX Adapter | SSL enabled FIX sessions
SSL enabled FIX sessions
The FIX Adapter does not support SSL natively. You can use an SSL wrapper to wrap the FIX connection inside SSL. For example, Stunnel ( The setup will be something like the following:
FIX client connection to SSL enabled FIX adapter
SSL enabled FIX client connecting to FIX server
For example, if the remote server is running on remotehost:443, then in the stunnel configuration file on localhost the following configuration is needed:
accept = 12345 (or any unused port number)
connect = remotehost:443
Then in the FIX Adapter configuration file, for the transport property QuickFIX.SocketConnectHost the value should be "localhost", and for property QuickFIX.SocketConnectPort the value should be "12345".