Capital Markets Adapters 10.5 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.5 | BM+F Bovespa UMDF Adapter | Configuration for UMDF PUMA 2.0
Configuration for UMDF PUMA 2.0
UMDF PUMA uses a single TCP Replay Session instead of separate FIX Sessions for each individual channel. So users can provide the session properties using the global QuickFIX.<property> identifier. Since the IP/Port for the TCP Replay Feed are common for all the channels, you can choose not to include the TCP replay feed details in the channel configuration file and use QuickFIX.SocketConnectHost and QuickFIX.SocketConnectPort instead.

<property name="ConnectToNonPUMAFeed" value="false" />

<property name="QuickFIX.SenderCompID" value="@FIX_SENDER_COMPID@" />
<property name="QuickFIX.TargetCompID" value="@FIX_TARGET_COMPID@" />

<property name="QuickFIX.SocketConnectHost" value="@FIX_HOST@" />
<property name="QuickFIX.SocketConnectPort" value="@FIX_PORT@" />

<!-- Username and Password are not required in the certification environment-->
<property name="StaticField.header.A.553" value="@USERNAME@" />
<property name="StaticField.header.A.554" value="@PASSWORD@" />
Market data channels:
*For certification:
*For production:
Template file location:
*For certification:
*For production: