Project ConfigurationΒΆ

Each PySys project has a configuration file called pysysproject.xml at the top level. This file contains property elements for any user-defined properties that will be used by your tests such as credentials, server names, which are available to your tests using self.project. The project file also contains allows customization of how PySys executes tests and reports on the results.

When starting a new PySys test project you should create a minimal project file from scratch using pysys makeproject, then add any additional elements you require.

To illustrate the range of available elements, here is a large project file that demonstrates all the main functionality:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

      Specify a minimum required pysys version to run these tests

      Specify a minimum required python version to run these tests

      Get a reference to the environment, which can then be used as a substitution variable
      within the project file, e.g. ${env.PROCESSORS} would be substituted with the value of
      the PROCESSORS environment variable if it is specified within the environment.

      Note that ${env.XXX} values can only be used within this file (they do not result in
      project properties being automatically defined for each environment variable).
      <property environment="env"/>

      Get a reference to the osfamily, which can then be used as a substitution variable
      within the project file, e.g. ${osfamily} would take the value windows on win32 systems,
      and unix on Linux or Solaris.
      <property osfamily="osfamily"/>

      Get a reference to project root location (the location of this file), which can then be used
      as a substitution variable within the project file. Note that this is only for local expansion
      within the project file, where the project root location is required for full paths, e.g.
      stylesheets etc. Within a test class, the root location can be referenced using the
      self.project.root class variable. If not specified, defaults to "root".
      <property root="testRootDir"/>

      Example of setting a project property.

      Project properties can be used as substitution variables within the project file, and
      are set as attributes on the Project class for use by tests. In the example below, "user"
      would be available to tests as "self.project.user".

      Property values can make use of other project properties using ${XXX} syntax, or environment
      variables using ${env.XXX} syntax.

      If a property value contains any properties or environment variables that do not exist,
      the "default" is used instead (or "" if a default is not explicitly specified). If the default
      also contains undefined properties the project will fail to load.

      <property name="user" value="${env.USERNAME}" default="guest"/>

      Controls whether tests will abort as a fail as soon as a process or wait operation
      completes with errors. The default value as specified below will be used when the abortOnError
      parameter to the function is not specified.
      <property name="defaultAbortOnError" value="true"/>

      Controls whether by default tests will report a failure outcome when a process completes with
      a non-zero return code. The default value as specified below will be used when the ignoreExitStatus
      parameter to the function is not specified.
      <property name="defaultIgnoreExitStatus" value="false"/>

      Set default LANG for child processes on Unix.
      Useful for making all machines behave the same. Ensure that the specified
      locale is installed on all machines.
      <!-- <property name="defaultEnvironsDefaultLang" value="en_US.UTF-8"/> -->

      Set temporary directory for child processes to the testcase output
      directory to avoid cluttering up common file locations.
      <property name="defaultEnvironsTempDir" value="self.output"/>

      <!-- Recommended behaviour is to not strip whitespace unless explicitly requested; this option exists to keep
              compatibility for old projects.
      <property name="defaultAssertDiffStripWhitespace" value="False"/>

      Controls whether print() and sys.stdout.write() statements will be
      converted into calls. If redirection is enabled, output
      from print() statements will not be captured in run.log files and will
      often not appear in the correct place on the console when running

      Note that this affects writers as well as testcases.

      Use pysys.utils.logutils.stdoutPrint() to write to stdout without any
      <property name="redirectPrintToLogger" value="false"/>

      <!-- Set this to true unless you need pre-1.4.1 mode behaviour for compatibility reasons. -->
      <property name="supportMultipleModesPerRun" value="true"/>

      <!-- Produces more informative messages from waitForGrep/Signal. -->
      <property name="verboseWaitForGrep" value="true"/>

      Import project properties from a file.

      If pathMustExist=true, the project will fail to load if the specified file does not
      exist. If pathMustExist=false the project will silently ignore a missing properties file,
      which can be useful when using this feature to provide optional user-specific overrides.

      The properties file should be of the format name=value (one pair specified per line).
      Each imported property line is handled just the same as a standard "property" element,
      so for example other project properties can be referenced withint the values
      using ${...} syntax.
      <property file="${osfamily}.properties" pathMustExist="false"/>

      Add a path to the python path to allow importing custom modules, e.g. extensions to the
      BaseTest or BaseRunner classes, or customer test output writers. If the relative attribute
      is set to true, then the path is treated as relative to the project root location; otherwise
      the path is treated as absolute, e.g. to add the src directory to the python path at runtime

      <pythonpath value="./src" relative="true" />

      Use a custom runner class that extends the BaseRunner class distributed with PySys. Extensions to
      the BaseRunner are used to define custom setup and tear down operations before running the set of
      selected tests (e.g. to load test data into a relational database prior to the test runs, and then
      clear out the data on completion), as well as to defined operations between the execution of individual
      tests and after completion of a cycle of tests. For example, to use the MyRunner class in the module use;

      <runner classname="MyRunner" module=""/>

      Use a custom maker class for constructing new testcases. Custom maker classes can extend from the
      ConsoleMakeTestHelper class in order to create templated scripts e.g. when a test module has
      a repeatable pattern for running or validating etc.

      <maker classname="MyMaker" module=""/>

      Set the test writers to write the test summary at runtime when the -r option is
      passed to the run mode of the pysys launcher. Multiple test writers can be configured
      and properties can be set on the writers using a nested property tag; these are then set
      as attributes of the class. PySys ships the XMLResultsWriter, TextResultsWriter and
      JUnitXMLResultsWriter class as three example writers, though custom writers can be created
      e.g. to insert into a relational database etc (see for the source
      code for the distributed writers). If no writer is specified in the project file, the
      XMLResultsWriter is used.

      The writer tag details the classname (which should be added to the pythonpath)
      and the module of the writer class. Where single file output is produced by the
      writer, the optional filename attribute is used to denote the filename template for the output
      logging. The filename template is processed through time.strftime so that time information can
      be set into the filename, e.g. a filename template of 'testsummary-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.xml' will result
      in a file created with a name of  testsummary-20081025213308.xml etc.
              <writer classname="XMLResultsWriter" module="pysys.writer" file="pysys-testsummary-%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S.xml">
                      Set properties on the XML test output writer class. The available properties that
                      can be set are the stylesheet location, whether to use file URLs in all references
                      to resources on the local disk, and the directory to write the output file (defaults
                      to the current working directory). Note that Mozilla Firefox requires the stylesheet
                      to be located next to the XML file when loading the file, and all references to local
                      resources must be as file URLs. Internet Explorer and Chrome can load the stylesheet
                      from any location on the local disk, but cannot load resources when referenced by a
                      file URL.

                      <property name="outputDir" value="${testRootDir}"/>
                      <property name="stylesheet" value="./pysys-log.xsl"/>
                      <property name="useFileURL" value="true"/>

              <!-- CI writers automatically enable themselves only if running under
                      the associated CI environment.
              <writer classname="TravisCIWriter" module=""></writer>

              Add in the test results writer if straight text output is required

              <writer classname="TextResultsWriter" module="pysys.writer" file="testsummary-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.log">
                      <property name="outputDir" value="${testRootDir}"/>

              Add in the CSV results writer if CSV text output is required. This outputs the test results
              in a column separated list, with headings id, title, cycle, startTime, duration, outcome

              <writer classname="CSVResultsWriter" module="pysys.writer" file="testsummary-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.csv">
                      <property name="outputDir" value="${testRootDir}"/>

              Add in the JUnit results writer for PySys test output to be written in the widely-used Apache Ant JUnit XML format.
              Use the outputDir property to define the output directory for the JUnit test summary files (the writer will
              produce one file per test into this output directory). If not specified this defaults to the current
              working directory.
              <writer classname="JUnitXMLResultsWriter" module="pysys.writer">
                      <property name="outputDir" value="${testRootDir}/pysys-junit-report"/>

              <!-- The ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter displays a summary of non-passed outcomes at the end of the test run,
                      optionally including outcome reason. The ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter is automatically added to the writers
                      list if no other "summary" writer is explicitly configured.
              <writer classname="ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter" module="pysys.writer">
                      <property name="showOutputDir" value="false"/>
                      <property name="showOutcomeReason" value="true"/>

              Specify the file encoding to be used for reading/writing text files.

              The first pattern that matches is used to determine the encoding. The pattern is a glob-style expression to be
              matched case-insensitively against either the full path or the basename using Python's fnmatch.fnmatch method.

              The defaults specified here can be overridden or added to by the runner or basetest getDefaultFileEncoding()
              method. See pysys.process.user.ProcessUser.getDefaultFileEncoding for more details.

              <default-file-encoding pattern="run.log" encoding="utf-8"/>

              <default-file-encoding pattern="*.xml" encoding="utf-8"/>
              <default-file-encoding pattern="*.json" encoding="utf-8"/>
              <default-file-encoding pattern="*.yaml" encoding="utf-8"/>


      <execution-order secondaryModesHintDelta="+100.0">
              The execution-order elements provide a way to globally change the ordering hints specified on individual
              tests by adding or subtracting a value from the hints specified on test descriptors in a specified group
              and/or mode.

              Groups and modes can be identified with a full name or a regular expression.

              The secondaryModesHintDelta value is used to order tests so that all tests execute in their primary
              mode before any secondary modes are executed. The 2nd mode (the one following the primary mode) has its
              execution order hint incremented by secondaryModesHintDelta, the third by 2*secondaryModesHintDelta etc,
              which ensures the modes are spaced out. To disable this behaviour and execute all modes of each test
              before moving on to the next test set it to 0.0. If not specified, the default value is +100.0.

              <execution-order hint="+20.0" forMode="MyMode_.*"/>
              <execution-order hint="-10.5" forGroup="performance" forMode="MyMode"/>

      Specify custom formatters for logging to the console or run.log, and/or configure the formatter
      appropriately through custom properties. Custom formatters should be defined using the classname
      and module attributes and should extend the pysys.utils.logutils.BaseLogFormatter class. If no
      classname and module is given the default pysys.utils.logutils.ColorLogFormatter is assumed.

      The ColorLogFormatter allows specification of the message and date strings using the messagefmt and
      datafmt attributes. Enabling color to the console (stdout) formatter can be done using the color
      property, and the colors for supported message types can be specified via the color:<category> property.
      See below for more details for the default color types and categories. Supported colors are BLUE,
              <formatter classname="ColorLogFormatter" module="pysys.utils.logutils"
                              name="stdout" messagefmt="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s %(message)s" datefmt="%H:%M:%S">
                      <property name="color" value="true"/>
                      <property name="color:warn" value="MAGENTA"/>
                      <property name="color:error" value="RED"/>
                      <property name="color:traceback" value="RED"/>
                      <property name="color:debug" value="BLUE"/>
                      <property name="color:filecontents" value="BLUE"/>
                      <property name="color:details" value="CYAN"/>
                      <property name="color:outcomereason" value="CYAN"/>
                      <property name="color:progress" value="CYAN"/>
                      <property name="color:performance" value="CYAN"/>
                      <property name="color:timed out" value="MAGENTA"/>
                      <property name="color:failed" value="RED"/>
                      <property name="color:passed" value="GREEN"/>
                      <property name="color:skipped" value="YELLOW"/>

              <formatter classname="BaseLogFormatter" module="pysys.utils.logutils"
                              name="runlog" messagefmt="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s %(message)s" datefmt=""/>

      <property name="pythonCoverageArgs" value="--rcfile=${testRootDir}/internal/utilities/python_coveragerc"/>

      <property name="pythonCoverageDir" value="coverage-python-@OUTDIR@"/>
      <collect-test-output pattern=".coverage*" outputDir="${pythonCoverageDir}" outputPattern="@FILENAME@_@TESTID@_@UNIQUE@"/>

              <!-- Add project-specific text to be appended to the "pysys run -h".

              You can use ${...} project properties, or ${$} to escape the $ character.
