#!/usr/bin/env pytho
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2020 M.B. Grieve
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
The `TestDescriptor <pysys.xml.descriptor.TestDescriptor>` class holds metadata for each testcase
(``pysystest.xml``) or directory (``pysysdirconfig.xml``), and the `DescriptorLoader <pysys.xml.descriptor.DescriptorLoader>`
class allows customization of the test discovery process.
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path, logging, xml.dom.minidom
import collections
import copy
import locale
from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.exceptions import UserError
from pysys.utils.fileutils import toLongPathSafe, fromLongPathSafe, pathexists
from pysys.utils.pycompat import PY2, isstring
log = logging.getLogger('pysys.xml.descriptor')
<!ELEMENT pysystest (description, classification?, skipped?, execution-order?, id-prefix?, data?, traceability?) >
<!ELEMENT description (title, purpose) >
<!ELEMENT classification (groups?, modes?) >
<!ELEMENT data (class?, input?, output?, reference?) >
<!ELEMENT traceability (requirements) >
<!ELEMENT id-prefix (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT purpose (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT groups (group)+ >
<!ELEMENT modes (mode)+ >
<!ELEMENT output EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT reference EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT requirements (requirement)+ >
<!ELEMENT group (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT mode (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT requirement EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST pysystest type (auto | manual ) "auto" >
<!ATTLIST pysystest state (runnable | deprecated | skipped) "runnable" >
<!ATTLIST execution-order hint>
<!ATTLIST skipped reason >
<!ATTLIST reference path CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST groups inherit (true | false) "true" >
<!ATTLIST modes inherit (true | false) "true" >
<!ATTLIST requirement id CDATA #REQUIRED >
DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE ='''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<pysystest type="%s">
<groups inherit="true">
<modes inherit="true">
<!-- <skipped reason=""/> -->
<class name="%s" module="%s"/>
<requirement id=""/>
[docs]class TestDescriptor(object):
"""Descriptor metadata for an individual testcase (``pysystest.xml``) or defaults for tests under a directory
subtree (``pysysdirconfig.xml``).
The `DescriptorLoader` class is responsible for determining the available
descriptor instances.
:ivar str ~.file: The absolute path of the testcase descriptor file.
:ivar str ~.testDir: The absolute path of the test, which is used to convert
any relative paths into absolute paths.
:ivar str ~.id: The testcase identifier, or the id prefix if this is a
directory config descriptor rather than a testcase descriptor.
Includes a mode suffix if this is a multi-mode test and
:ivar str ~.idWithoutMode: The raw testcase identifier with no mode suffix.
:ivar str ~.type: The kind of test this is (``auto`` or ``manual``)
:ivar str ~.skippedReason: If set to a non-empty string, indicates that this
testcase is skipped and provides the reason. If this is set then the test
is skipped regardless of the value of `state`.
:ivar str ~.state: The state of the testcase (runnable, deprecated or skipped). This field is deprecated - we
recommend using `skippedReason` instead, which provides a descriptive outcome to explain why.
:ivar str ~.title: The one-line title summarizing this testcase.
:ivar str ~.purpose: A detailed description of the purpose of the testcase.
:ivar list[str] ~.groups: A list of the user defined groups the testcase belongs to.
:ivar list[str] ~.modes: A list of the user defined modes the testcase can be run in.
:ivar str ~.primaryMode: Specifies the primary mode for this test id (which may be None
if this test has no modes). Usually this is the first mode in the list.
:ivar str ~.mode: Specifies which of the possible modes this descriptor represents or None if the
the descriptor has no modes. This field is only present after the
raw descriptors have been expanded into multiple mode-specific
descriptors, and only if supportMultipleModesPerRun=True.
Note that after a descriptor is created from the on-disk file, the `mode` attribute is not set until
the later phase when multi-mode descripors are cloned and expanded based on the selected modes.
:ivar str ~.classname: The Python classname to be executed for this testcase.
:ivar str ~.module: The path to the python module containing the testcase class. Relative to testDir, or an absoute path.
:ivar str ~.input: The path to the input directory of the testcase. Relative to testDir, or an absoute path.
:ivar str ~.output: The path to the output parent directory of the testcase. Relative to testDir, or an absoute path.
:ivar str ~.reference: The path to the reference directory of the testcase. Relative to testDir, or an absoute path.
:ivar list ~.traceability: A list of the requirements covered by the testcase.
:ivar float ~.executionOrderHint: A float priority value used to determine the
order in which testcases will be run; higher values are executed before
low values. The default is 0.0.
:ivar bool ~.isDirConfig: True if this is a directory configuration, or False if
it's a normal testcase.
:ivar dict(str,obj) ~.userData: A dictionary that can be used for storing user-defined data
in the descriptor. In a pysystest.xml, this can be populated by one or more ``user-data`` elements e.g.
``<data><user-data name="key" value="val"</user-data></data>``.
__slots__ = 'isDirConfig', 'file', 'testDir', 'id', 'type', 'state', 'title', 'purpose', 'groups', 'modes', 'mode', \
'classname', 'module', 'input', 'output', 'reference', 'traceability', 'executionOrderHint', 'executionOrderHintsByMode', \
'skippedReason', 'primaryMode', 'idWithoutMode', '_defaultSortKey', 'userData'
def __init__(self, file, id,
type="auto", state="runnable", title=u'(no title)', purpose=u'', groups=[], modes=[],
traceability=[], executionOrderHint=0.0, skippedReason=None,
isDirConfig=False, userData=None):
if skippedReason: state = 'skipped'
if state=='skipped' and not skippedReason: skippedReason = '<unknown skipped reason>'
self.isDirConfig = isDirConfig
self.file = file
if not isDirConfig:
assert file, [file, id]
self.testDir = testDir or os.path.dirname(file)
self.id = id
self.type = type
self.state = state
self.title = title
self.purpose = purpose
# copy groups/modes so we can safely mutate them later if desired
self.groups = list(groups)
self.modes = list(modes)
self.classname = classname
self.module = module
self.input = input
self.output = output
self.reference = reference
self.traceability = traceability
self.executionOrderHint = executionOrderHint
self.skippedReason = skippedReason
self.primaryMode = None if not self.modes else self.modes[0]
self.idWithoutMode = self.id
# for internal use only (we cache this to speed up sorting based on path),
# and only for tests not dir configs;
# convert to lowercase to ensure a canonical sort order on case insensitive OSes;
# add id to be sure they're unique (e.g. including mode)
if self.file: self._defaultSortKey = self.file.lower()+'/'+self.id
# NB: self.mode is set after construction and
# cloning for each supported mode when supportMultipleModesPerRun=true
self.userData = collections.OrderedDict() if userData is None else userData
def _createDescriptorForMode(self, mode):
Internal API for creating a test descriptor for a specific mode of this test.
:meta private:
assert mode, 'Mode must be specified'
assert not hasattr(self, 'mode'), 'Cannot create a mode descriptor from a descriptor that already has its mode set'
newdescr = copy.deepcopy(self)
newdescr.mode = mode
newdescr.id = self.id+'~'+mode
newdescr._defaultSortKey = self._defaultSortKey+'~'+mode
return newdescr
[docs] def toDict(self):
"""Converts this descriptor to an (ordered) dict suitable for serialization."""
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d['id'] = self.id
d['testDir'] = self.testDir
d['xmlDescriptor'] = self.file
d['type'] = self.type
d['state'] = self.state
d['skippedReason'] = self.skippedReason
d['title'] = self.title
d['purpose'] = self.purpose
d['groups'] = self.groups
d['modes'] = self.modes
d['primaryMode'] = self.primaryMode
if hasattr(self, 'mode'): d['mode'] = self.mode # only if supportMultipleModesPerRun=true
d['requirements'] = self.traceability
# this is always a list with at least one item, or more if there are multiple modes
d['executionOrderHint'] = (self.executionOrderHintsByMode
if hasattr(self, 'executionOrderHintsByMode') else [self.executionOrderHint])
d['classname'] = self.classname
d['module'] = self.module
d['input'] = self.input
d['output'] = self.output
d['reference'] = self.reference
d['userData'] = self.userData
return d
def __str__(self):
"""Return an informal string representation of the xml descriptor container object
:return: The string represention
:rtype: string
str= "Test id: %s\n" % self.id
reltestdir = self.testDir if not self.isDirConfig else '' # relative to current dir is most useful
if reltestdir.lower().replace('\\','/').startswith(os.getcwd().lower().replace('\\','/')): reltestdir = reltestdir[len(os.getcwd())+1:]
str=str+"Test directory: %s\n" % reltestdir # use OS slashes to facilitate copy+paste
str=str+"Test type: %s\n" % self.type
str=str+"Test state: %s\n" % self.state
if self.skippedReason: str=str+"Test skip reason: %s\n" % self.skippedReason
str=str+"Test title: %s\n" % self.title
str=str+"Test purpose: "
purpose = self.purpose.split('\n') if self.purpose is not None else ['']
for index in range(0, len(purpose)):
if index == 0: str=str+"%s\n" % purpose[index]
if index != 0: str=str+" %s\n" % purpose[index]
str=str+"Test order hint: %s\n" % (
u', '.join('%s'%hint for hint in self.executionOrderHintsByMode) # for multi-mode tests
if hasattr(self, 'executionOrderHintsByMode') else self.executionOrderHint)
str=str+"Test groups: %s\n" % (u', '.join((u"'%s'"%x if u' ' in x else x) for x in self.groups) or u'<none>')
if getattr(self, 'mode',None): # multi mode per run
str=str+"Test mode: %s\n" % self.mode
else: # print available modes instead
str=str+"Test modes: %s\n" % (u', '.join((u"'%s'"%x if u' ' in x else x) for x in self.modes) or u'<none>')
str=str+"Test classname: %s\n" % self.classname
str=str+"Test module: %s\n" % self.module
str=str+"Test input: %s\n" % self.input
str=str+"Test output: %s\n" % self.output
str=str+"Test reference: %s\n" % self.reference
str=str+"Test traceability: %s\n" % (u', '.join((u"'%s'"%x if u' ' in x else x) for x in self.traceability) or u'<none>')
if self.userData:
str=str+"Test user data: %s\n" % ', '.join('%s=%s'%(k,repr(v).lstrip('u') if isstring(v) else str(v)) for k,v in (self.userData.items()))
return str
def __repr__(self): return str(self)
class XMLDescriptorCreator(object):
'''Helper class to create a test descriptor template. DEPRECATED.
:meta private: If we want an API for this, having a writeToFile method on TestDescriptor would be a better way
to go.
def __init__(self, file, type="auto", group=DEFAULT_GROUP, testclass=DEFAULT_TESTCLASS, module=DEFAULT_MODULE):
'''Class constructor.'''
self.type = type
self.group = group
self.testclass = testclass
self.module = module
def writeXML(self):
'''Write a test descriptor template to file.'''
fp = open(self.file, 'w')
fp.writelines(DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE % (self.type, self.group, self.testclass, self.module))
XMLDescriptorContainer = TestDescriptor
""" XMLDescriptorContainer is an alias for the TestDescriptor class, which
exists for compatibility reasons only.
:meta private:
class XMLDescriptorParser(object):
'''DEPRECATED - use L{DescriptorLoader.parseTestDescriptor} instead.
:meta private:
Helper class to parse an XML test descriptor - either for a testcase,
or for defaults for a (sub-)directory of testcases.
The class uses the minidom DOM (Document Object Model) non validating
parser to provide accessor methods to return element attributes and character
data from the test descriptor file. The class is instantiated with the filename
of the test descriptor. It is the responsibility of the user of the class to
call the unlink() method of the class on completion in order to free the memory
used in the parsing.
def __init__(self, xmlfile, istest=True, parentDirDefaults=None):
self.file = xmlfile
self.dirname = os.path.dirname(xmlfile)
self.istest = istest
self.defaults = self.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR if parentDirDefaults is None else parentDirDefaults
roottag = 'pysystest' if istest else 'pysysdirconfig'
if not os.path.exists(xmlfile):
raise UserError("Unable to find supplied descriptor \"%s\"" % xmlfile)
self.doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlfile)
except Exception as ex:
raise UserError("Invalid XML in descriptor '%s': %s" % (xmlfile, ex))
if self.doc.getElementsByTagName(roottag) == []:
raise UserError("No <%s> element supplied in XML descriptor '%s'"%(roottag, xmlfile))
self.root = self.doc.getElementsByTagName(roottag)[0]
def parse(xmlfile, istest=True, parentDirDefaults=None):
Parses the test/dir descriptor in the specified path and returns the
TestDescriptor object.
:param istest: True if this is a pysystest.xml file, false if it is
a descritor giving defaults for a directory of testcases.
:param parentDirDefaults: Optional TestDescriptor instance
specifying default values to be filtered in from the parent
p = XMLDescriptorParser(xmlfile, istest=istest, parentDirDefaults=parentDirDefaults)
return p.getContainer()
file=None, id=u'', type="auto", state="runnable",
title='', purpose='', groups=[], modes=[],
traceability=[], executionOrderHint=0.0, skippedReason=None, isDirConfig=True)
A directory config descriptor instance of TestDescriptor holding
the default values to be used if there is no directory config descriptor.
def getContainer(self):
'''Create and return an instance of TestDescriptor for the contents of the descriptor.'''
for attrName, attrValue in self.root.attributes.items():
if attrName not in ['state', 'type']:
raise UserError('Unknown attribute "%s" in XML descriptor "%s"'%(attrName, self.file))
# some elements that are mandatory for an individual test and not used for dir config
return TestDescriptor(self.getFile(), self.getID(), self.getType(), self.getState(),
self.getTitle() if self.istest else '', self.getPurpose() if self.istest else '',
self.getGroups(), self.getModes(),
isDirConfig=not self.istest)
def unlink(self):
'''Clean up the DOM on completion.'''
if self.doc: self.doc.unlink()
def getFile(self):
'''Return the filename of the test descriptor.'''
return self.file
def getID(self):
'''Return the id of the test, or for a pysysdirconfig, the id prefix.'''
id = self.defaults.id
for e in self.root.getElementsByTagName('id-prefix'):
id = id+self.getText(e)
for c in u'\\/:~#<>':
# reserve a few characters that we might need for other purposes; _ and . can be used however
if c in id:
raise UserError('The <id-prefix> is not permitted to contain "%s"; error in "%s"'%(c, self.file))
if self.istest: id = id+os.path.basename(self.dirname)
return id
def getType(self):
'''Return the type attribute of the test element.'''
type = self.root.getAttribute("type") or self.defaults.type
if type not in ["auto", "manual"]:
raise UserError("The type attribute of the test element should be \"auto\" or \"manual\" in \"%s\""%self.file)
return type
def getState(self):
'''Return the state attribute of the test element.'''
state = self.root.getAttribute("state") or self.defaults.state
if state not in ["runnable", "deprecated", "skipped"]:
raise UserError("The state attribute of the test element should be \"runnable\", \"deprecated\" or \"skipped\" in \"%s\""%self.file)
return state
def getSkippedReason(self):
for e in self.root.getElementsByTagName('skipped'):
r = (e.getAttribute('reason') or '').strip()
# make this mandatory, to encourage good practice
if not r: raise UserError('Missing reason= attribute in <skipped> element of "%s"'%self.file)
return r
return self.defaults.skippedReason
def getTitle(self):
'''Return the test titlecharacter data of the description element.'''
descriptionNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('description')
if descriptionNodeList == []:
raise UserError("No <description> element supplied in XML descriptor \"%s\""%self.file)
if descriptionNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('title') == []:
raise UserError("No <title> child element of <description> supplied in XML descriptor \"%s\""%self.file)
title = descriptionNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('title')[0]
return title.childNodes[0].data.strip()
except Exception:
return self.defaults.title
def getPurpose(self):
'''Return the test purpose character data of the description element.'''
descriptionNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('description')
if descriptionNodeList == []:
raise UserError("No <description> element supplied in XML descriptor \"%s\""%self.file)
if descriptionNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('purpose') == []:
raise UserError("No <purpose> child element of <description> supplied in XML descriptor \"%s\""%self.file)
purpose = descriptionNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('purpose')[0]
return purpose.childNodes[0].data.strip()
except Exception:
return self.defaults.purpose
def getGroups(self):
'''Return a list of the group names, contained in the character data of the group elements.'''
classificationNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('classification')
groupList = []
groups = classificationNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('groups')[0]
for node in groups.getElementsByTagName('group'):
if self.getText(node): groupList.append(self.getText(node))
if (groups.getAttribute('inherit') or 'true').lower()!='true':
return groupList
except Exception:
groupList = [x for x in self.defaults.groups if x not in groupList]+groupList
return groupList
def getModes(self):
'''Return a list of the mode names, contained in the character data of the mode elements.'''
classificationNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('classification')
modeList = []
modes = classificationNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('modes')[0]
for node in modes.getElementsByTagName('mode'):
if self.getText(node): modeList.append(self.getText(node))
if (modes.getAttribute('inherit') or 'true').lower()!='true':
return modeList
except Exception:
modeList = [x for x in self.defaults.modes if x not in modeList]+modeList
return modeList
def getClassDetails(self):
'''Return the test class attributes (name, module, searchpath), contained in the class element.'''
dataNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('data')
el = dataNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('class')[0]
return [el.getAttribute('name'), el.getAttribute('module')]
except Exception:
return [self.defaults.classname, self.defaults.module]
def getExecutionOrderHint(self):
r = None
for e in self.root.getElementsByTagName('execution-order'):
r = e.getAttribute('hint')
if r:
r = float(r)
except Exception:
raise UserError('Invalid float value specified for execution-order hint in "%s"'%self.file)
if r is None or r == '':
return self.defaults.executionOrderHint
return r
def getTestInput(self):
'''Return the test input path, contained in the input element.'''
dataNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('data')
input = dataNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
return input.getAttribute('path')
except Exception:
return self.defaults.input
def getUserData(self):
'''Return the userData from the user-data element.'''
# start with parent defaults, add children
result = collections.OrderedDict(self.defaults.userData)
for data in self.root.getElementsByTagName('data'):
for e in data.getElementsByTagName('user-data'):
key = e.getAttribute('name').strip()
assert key, 'name= must be specified'
assert key not in {'input', 'output', 'reference', 'descriptor', 'runner', 'log', 'project', 'lock'}, key # blacklist names that we reserve for use by the basetest/processuser
result[key] = e.getAttribute('value')
return result
def getTestOutput(self):
'''Return the test output path, contained in the output element.'''
dataNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('data')
output = dataNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('output')[0]
return output.getAttribute('path')
except Exception:
return self.defaults.output
def getTestReference(self):
'''Return the test reference path, contained in the reference element.'''
dataNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('data')
ref = dataNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('reference')[0]
return ref.getAttribute('path')
except Exception:
return self.defaults.reference
def getRequirements(self):
'''Return a list of the requirement ids, contained in the character data of the requirement elements.'''
reqList = []
traceabilityNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('traceability')
requirements = traceabilityNodeList[0].getElementsByTagName('requirements')[0]
for node in requirements.getElementsByTagName('requirement'):
if node.getAttribute('id'): reqList.append(node.getAttribute('id'))
except Exception:
reqList = [x for x in self.defaults.traceability if x not in reqList]+reqList
return reqList
def getText(element):
"""Utility method that reads text from the specified element and
strips leading/trailing whitespace from it. Returns an empty string if none. """
t = u''
if not element: return t
for n in element.childNodes:
if (n.nodeType == element.TEXT_NODE) and n.data:
t += n.data
return t.strip()
[docs]class DescriptorLoader(object):
This class is responsible for locating and loading all available testcase
A custom DescriptorLoader subclass can be provided to customize the test
discovery process, typically by overriding L{loadDescriptors} and modifying the
returned list of descriptors and configuring your ``pysysproject.xml`` with::
<descriptor-loader module="mypkg.custom" classname="CustomDescriptorLoader"/>
You could use this approach to add additional descriptor instances
to represent non-PySys testcases found under the search directory, for example
based on discovery of unit test classes.
Another key use case would be dynamically adding or changing descriptor
settings such as the list of modes for each testcase or the
executionOrderHint, perhaps based on a per-group basis. For example,
you could modify descriptors in the "database-tests" group to have a
dynamically generated list of modes identifying the possible database
servers supported without having to hardcode that list into any descriptor
files on disk, and allowing for different database modes on different
:ivar pysys.xml.project.Project ~.project: The `pysys.xml.project.Project` instance.
def __init__(self, project, **kwargs):
assert project, 'project must be specified'
self.project = project
[docs] def loadDescriptors(self, dir, **kwargs):
"""Find all descriptors located under the specified directory, and
return them as a list.
Subclasses may change the returned descriptors and/or add additional
instances of their own to the list after calling the super implementation::
descriptors = super(CustomDescriptorLoader, self).loadDescriptors(dir, **kwargs)
return descriptors
:param dir: The parent directory to search for runnable tests.
:return: List of L{pysys.xml.descriptor.TestDescriptor} objects
which could be selected for execution.
If a test can be run in multiple modes there must be a single descriptor
for it in the list returned from this method. Each multi-mode
descriptor is later expanded out into separate mode-specific
descriptors (at the same time as descriptor filtering based on
command line arguments, and addition of project-level
execution-order), before the final list is sorted and passed to
The order of the returned list is random, so the caller is responsible
for sorting this list to ensure deterministic behaviour.
:rtype: list
:raises UserError: Raised if no testcases can be found.
assert not kwargs, 'reserved for future use: %s'%kwargs.keys()
assert self.project, 'project must be specified'
assert dir, 'dir must be specified'
assert os.path.isabs(dir), 'dir must be an absolute path: %s'%dir
project = self.project
descriptors = []
ignoreSet = set(OSWALK_IGNORES)
descriptorSet =set(DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR)
projectfound = project.projectFile != None
log = logging.getLogger('pysys.launcher')
# although it's highly unlikely, if any test paths did slip outside the Windows 256 char limit,
# it would be very dangerous to skip them (which is what os.walk does unless passed a \\?\ path),
# so must use long-path-safe - but need to re-encode from unicode string back to bytestring in Python 2
i18n_reencode = locale.getpreferredencoding() if PY2 and isinstance(dir, str) else None
dir = toLongPathSafe(os.path.normpath(dir))
assert os.path.exists(dir), dir # sanity check
if project.projectFile:
projectroot = toLongPathSafe(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(project.projectFile)))
DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR = 'pysysdirconfig.xml'
if not project.projectFile or not dir.startswith(projectroot):
dirconfigs = None
log.debug('Project file does not exist under "%s" so processing of %s files is disabled', dir, DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR)
# find directory config descriptors between the project root and the testcase
# dirs. We deliberately use project dir not current working dir since
# we don't want descriptors to be loaded differently depending on where the
# tests are run from (i.e. should be independent of cwd).
dirconfigs = {}
# load any descriptors between the project dir up to (but not including) the dir we'll be walking
searchdirsuffix = dir[len(projectroot)+1:].split(os.sep) if len(dir)>len(projectroot) else []
currentconfig = None
for i in range(len(searchdirsuffix)): # up to but not including dir
if i == 0:
currentdir = projectroot
currentdir = projectroot+os.sep+os.sep.join(searchdirsuffix[:i])
if pathexists(currentdir+os.sep+DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR):
currentconfig = self._parseTestDescriptor(currentdir+os.sep+DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR, parentDirDefaults=currentconfig, isDirConfig=True)
log.debug('Loaded directory configuration descriptor from %s: \n%s', currentdir, currentconfig)
# this is the top-level directory that will be checked below
dirconfigs[os.path.dirname(dir)] = currentconfig
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(toLongPathSafe(dir)):
ignorematch = next( (f for f in files if (f == '.pysysignore' or f == 'pysysignore')), None)
if ignorematch:
log.debug('Skipping directory %s due to ignore file %s', root, ignorematch)
del dirs[:]
parentconfig = None
if dirconfigs is not None:
parentconfig = dirconfigs[os.path.dirname(root)]
if next( (f for f in files if (f == DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR)), None):
parentconfig = self._parseTestDescriptor(root+os.sep+DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR, parentDirDefaults=parentconfig, isDirConfig=True)
log.debug('Loaded directory configuration descriptor from %s: \n%s', root, parentconfig)
# allow subclasses to modify descriptors list and/or avoid processing
# subdirectories
if self._handleSubDirectory(root, dirs, files, descriptors, parentDirDefaults=parentconfig):
del dirs[:]
intersection = descriptorSet & set(files)
if intersection:
descriptorfile = fromLongPathSafe(os.path.join(root, intersection.pop()))
# PY2 gets messed up if we start passing unicode rather than byte str objects here,
# as it proliferates to all strings in each test
if i18n_reencode is not None: descriptorfile = descriptorfile.encode(i18n_reencode)
parsed = self._parseTestDescriptor(descriptorfile, parentDirDefaults=parentconfig)
if parsed:
except UserError:
raise # no stack trace needed, will already include descriptorfile name
except Exception as e:
log.info('Failed to read descriptor: ', exc_info=True)
raise Exception("Error reading descriptor file '%s': %s - %s" % (descriptorfile, e.__class__.__name__, e))
# if this is a test dir, it never makes sense to look at sub directories
del dirs[:]
for ignore in (ignoreSet & set(dirs)): dirs.remove(ignore)
if dirconfigs is not None and len(dirs)>0:
# stash it for when we navigate down to subdirectories
# only add to dict if we're continuing to process children
dirconfigs[root] = parentconfig
if not projectfound:
if p in files:
projectfound = True
sys.stderr.write('WARNING: PySys project file was not found in directory the script was run from but does exist at "%s" (consider running pysys from that directory instead)\n'%os.path.join(root, p))
return descriptors
[docs] def _handleSubDirectory(self, dir, subdirs, files, descriptors, parentDirDefaults, **kwargs):
"""Overrides the handling of each sub-directory found while walking
the directory tree during L{loadDescriptors}.
Can be used to add test descriptors, and/or add custom logic for
preventing PySys searching a particular part of the directory tree
perhaps based on the presence of specific files or subdirectories
within it.
This method is called before directories containing pysysignore
files are stripped out.
:param dir: The full path of the directory to be processed.
On Windows, this will be a long-path safe unicode string.
:param subdirs: a list of the subdirectories under dir, which
can be used to detect what kind of directory this is.
:param files: a list of the files under dir, which
can be used to detect what kind of directory this is.
:param descriptors: A list of L{TestDescriptor} items which this method
can add to if desired.
:param parentDirDefaults: A L{TestDescriptor} containing defaults
from the parent directory, or None if there are none. Test loaders may
optionally merge some of this information with test-specific
information when creating test descriptors.
:param kwargs: Reserved for future use. Pass this to the base class
implementation when calling it.
:return: If True, this part of the directory tree has been fully
handled and PySys will not search under it any more. False to allow
normal PySys handling of the directory to proceed.
assert not kwargs, 'reserved for future use: %s'%kwargs.keys()
return False
[docs] def _parseTestDescriptor(self, descriptorfile, parentDirDefaults=None, isDirConfig=False, **kwargs):
""" Parses a single descriptor file (typically an XML file) for a testcase or directory configuration
and returns the resulting descriptor.
:param descriptorfile: The absolute path of the descriptor file.
:param parentDirDefaults: A L{TestDescriptor} instance containing
defaults to inherit from the parent directory, or None if none was found.
:param isDirConfig: False for normal test descriptors, True for a directory configuration.
:return: The L{TestDescriptor} instance, or None if none should be
added for this descriptor file. Note that subclasses may modify the
contents of the returned instance.
:raises UserError: If the descriptor is invalid and an error should be
displayed to the user without any Python stacktrace.
The exception message must contain the path of the descriptorfile.
assert not kwargs, 'reserved for future use: %s'%kwargs.keys()
return XMLDescriptorParser.parse(descriptorfile, parentDirDefaults=parentDirDefaults, istest=not isDirConfig)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover (undocumented, little used executable entry point)
if ( len(sys.argv) < 2 ) or ( sys.argv[1] not in ("create", "parse", "validate") ):
print("Usage: %s (create | parse ) filename" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
if sys.argv[1] == "parse":
parser = XMLDescriptorParser(sys.argv[2])
elif sys.argv[1] == "create":
creator = XMLDescriptorCreator(sys.argv[2])
elif sys.argv[1] == "validate":
from xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlval import XMLValidator