Deprecated List
EPL boolean
Class AP_BoundsException
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_BoundsException::AP_BoundsException (const std::string &what)
Construct an AP_BoundsException from a message
Member AP_Capabilities
plugin functions will not block (blocking includes calling sendEventTo)
none of the below capabilities
Class AP_Chunk
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_Chunk::AP_Chunk (const AP_Context &)

Obsolete constructor retained for backward compatibility

This function is deprecated.

Member AP_Chunk::AP_Chunk ()
Default constructor declared because there's a non-default one, which is deprecated.
Member AP_Chunk::copy (const AP_Context &ctx) const =0
Chunk cloning method (typically calls a copy constructor in the derived class).
Member AP_Chunk::~AP_Chunk ()
Virtual destructor.
Plugin private data, opaque to EPL
Class AP_Context

This class has been deprecated.

For passing to a function that needs to take an AP_Context& from a plugin thread that doesn't have an AP_Context.

Member AP_Context::char8alloc (size_t len) const =0
Allocate storage for an 8-bit string value.
Member AP_Context::char8dup (const char8 *s) const =0
Duplicate a string value created using char8alloc().
Member AP_Context::char8free (char8 *s) const =0
Free the memory occupied by a string created using char8alloc() or char8dup().
Member AP_Context::getContextId () const =0
Return the identifier of the EPL (parallelism) context associated with this plugin execution context.
Member AP_Context::getCorrelator () const =0
Return the correlator implementation.
Member AP_Context::pluginNowBlocking () const =0
Called by the plugin when it performs a potentially blocking operation.
Member AP_Context::version () const =0
Return active plugin API version
Member AP_Context::~AP_Context ()
Plugin API version.
Class AP_CorrelatorInterface
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::pluginNowBlocking () const =0
Called by the plugin when it performs a potentially blocking operation.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::sendEvent (const char *event)=0
Send an event to the correlator
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::sendEventTo (const char *event, AP_uint64 targetContext, AP_uint64 sourceContext)=0

Send an event to a specific context in the correlator

This function is deprecated in favour of calling sendEventTo that takes a const AP_Context&. In particular, you may not call this function from a plugin event handler and must pass in an AP_Context& to avoid deadlocks.

Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::sendEventTo (const char *event, AP_uint64 targetContext, const AP_Context &source)=0
Send an event to a specific context in the correlator
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::sendEventTo (const char *event, const char *targetChannel, const AP_Context &source)=0
Send an event to a specific channel in/out of the correlator
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::subscribe (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, std::initializer_list< const char * > channels)
Subscribe an event handler to a list of channels.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::subscribe (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, const ITER &start, const ITER &end)
Subscribe an event handler to a list of channels.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::subscribe (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, const T &channel)
Subscribe an event handler to a list of channels.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::subscribe_impl (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, const ITER &start, const ITER &end)
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::subscribe_impl (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, char const *const *start, char const *const *end)=0
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::unsubscribe (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, std::initializer_list< const char * > channels)
Unsubscribe an event handler from a list of channels.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::unsubscribe (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, const ITER &start, const ITER &end)
Unsubscribe an event handler from a list of channels.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::unsubscribe (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, const T &channel)
Unsubscribe an event handler from a channel.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::unsubscribe (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler)=0
Unsubscribe an event handler from all channels.
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::unsubscribe_impl (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, char const *const *start, char const *const *end)=0
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::unsubscribe_impl (const AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t &handler, const ITER &start, const ITER &end)
Member AP_CorrelatorInterface::~AP_CorrelatorInterface ()=0
Member AP_CorrelatorPluginExceptionType
Typed differentiator for different exceptions in the plugin interface.
EPL decimal
Member AP_ErrorCode
Class AP_EventHandlerInterface
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_EventHandlerInterface::handleEvent (const AP_Context &ctx, const char *event, const char *channel)=0
Called for each event sent to a channel to which this event handler is subscribed.
Member AP_EventHandlerInterface::ptr_t
A smart-pointer type for managing lifetime of event handlers.
Member AP_EventHandlerInterface::~AP_EventHandlerInterface ()
Ensure we have a virtual destructor, so that derived class destructors can be correctly called.
EPL float
Class AP_Function
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_Function::fptr
Pointer to function implementation
Member AP_Function::name
Function name
Member AP_Function::nParams
Argument count
Member AP_Function::paramTypes
Argument types.
Member AP_Function::returnType
Return type
Member AP_FunctionPtr )(const AP_Context &ctx, const AP_TypeList &args, AP_Type &rval, AP_TypeDiscriminator rtype)
Type of a plugin function.
Member AP_GetCapabilitiesFunctionPtr )(const AP_Context &ctx)
Type of a plugin capability function.
The name of the initialization function which must be exported from a plugin library
Member AP_InitFunctionPtr )(const AP_Context &ctx, uint32 &version, uint32 &nFunctions, AP_Function *&functions)
Type of a plugin library initialisation function.
EPL integer
The name of the version function which must be exported from a plugin library in C++ plugins.
Member AP_LibraryVersionFunctionPtr )(const AP_Context &ctx, uint32 &version)
Type of a plugin library version function.
No type yet (e.g.
Plugin API version.
The name of the version function which must be exported from a plugin library in C plugins.
Class AP_PluginChunk_API
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginChunk_API::callbacks
Pointer to the user callbacks for this chunk
Member AP_PluginChunk_API::functions
Pointer to function API
Class AP_PluginChunk_Callbacks
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginChunk_Callbacks::copyUserData (const AP_PluginChunk *chunk)
return a copy of the user data
Member AP_PluginChunk_Callbacks::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *freeUserData)(AP_PluginChunk *chunk)
Free the specified user data
Class AP_PluginChunk_Functions
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginChunk_Functions::getUserData (const AP_PluginChunk *chunk)
Return the user data stored in this chunk
Member AP_PluginChunk_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setUserData)(AP_PluginChunk *chunk
File AP_PluginCommon.h
This API is deprecated in favour of the C++ API defined in epl_plugin.hpp
Class AP_PluginContext_API
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginContext_API::functions
Pointer to the function API
Class AP_PluginContext_Functions
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::AP_bool (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *checkException)(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Returns true if an exception has occurred since the last time that clearException was called
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::AP_CorrelatorPluginExceptionType (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getExceptionType)(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Returns the type of the most recent exception
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::AP_uint32 (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *version)(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Return active plugin API version
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::AP_uint64 (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getContextId)(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Return the identifier of the EPL (parallelism) context associated with this plugin execution context.
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::createChunk (const AP_PluginContext *ctx, const struct AP_PluginChunk_Callbacks *callbacks, void *userData)
Create a chunk.
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::getCorrelator (const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Return the correlator implementation.
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::getExceptionMessage (const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Returns the message of the most recent exception
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *char8free)(AP_char8 *ptr)
Free the memory occupied by a string created by the plugin API.
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *deleteChunk)(const AP_PluginContext *ctx
Member AP_PluginContext_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *clearException)(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Clears the flag of whether an exception has occurred
Class AP_PluginCorrelatorInterface_API
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginCorrelatorInterface_API::functions
Pointer to the function API
Class AP_PluginCorrelatorInterface_Functions
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginCorrelatorInterface_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *sendEvent)(AP_PluginCorrelatorInterface *_interface
Send an event to the correlator
Member AP_PluginCorrelatorInterface_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *sendEventTo)(AP_PluginCorrelatorInterface *_interface
Send an event to a specific context in the correlator
Class AP_PluginException
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginException::AP_PluginException (const std::string &what)
Construct an AP_PluginException from a message
Class AP_PluginFunction
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginFunction::fptr
Pointer to function implementation
Member AP_PluginFunction::name
Function name
Member AP_PluginFunction::nParams
Argument count
Member AP_PluginFunction::paramTypes
Argument types - nParams elements, unterminated
Member AP_PluginFunction::returnType
Return type
Member AP_PluginFunctionPtr )(const AP_PluginContext *ctx, const AP_PluginTypeList *args, AP_PluginType *rval, AP_TypeDiscriminator rtype)
Type of a plugin function.
Member AP_PluginGetCapabilitiesFunctionPtr )(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Type of a plugin capability function.
Member AP_PluginInitFunctionPtr )(const AP_PluginContext *ctx, AP_uint32 *version, AP_uint32 *nFunctions, AP_PluginFunction **functions)
Type of a plugin library initialisation function.
Member AP_PluginShutdownFunctionPtr )(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Pointer to a plugin library shutdown function.
Member AP_PluginThreadEndedFunctionPtr )(const AP_PluginContext *ctx)
Type of a plugin library thread ended function.
Class AP_PluginType_API
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginType_API::functions
Pointer to function API
Class AP_PluginType_Functions
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::AP_bool (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getBooleanValue)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the boolean value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::AP_decimal (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getDecimalValue)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the decimal value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::AP_float64 (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getFloatValue)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the float value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::AP_int64 (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getIntegerValue)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the integer value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::AP_TypeDiscriminator (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getDiscriminator)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Return the type contained in this object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::AP_TypeDiscriminator (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getSequenceType)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the element type of a sequence object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::AP_uint32 (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getSequenceLength)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the number of elements in a sequence object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getBooleanSequenceElements (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 start, AP_uint32 length)
Generate an array of booleans encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getChunkSequenceElements (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 start, AP_uint32 length)
Generate an array of pointers to chunks encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getChunkValue (const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the chunk value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getDecimalSequenceElements (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 start, AP_uint32 length)
Generate an array of decimals encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getFloatSequenceElements (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 start, AP_uint32 length)
Generate an array of floats encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getIntegerSequenceElements (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 start, AP_uint32 length)
Generate an array of integers encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getSequenceElement (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 index)
Get a pointer to a single sequence element.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getSequenceElements (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 start, AP_uint32 length)
Generate an array of pointers to AP_Type objects, encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getStringSequenceElements (const AP_PluginType *obj, AP_uint32 start, AP_uint32 length)
Generate an array of string pointers encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::getStringValue (const AP_PluginType *obj)
Get the string value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *releaseBooleanSequenceElements)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to booleanSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *releaseDecimalSequenceElements)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to getDecimalSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *releaseFloatSequenceElements)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to floatSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setChunkValue)(const AP_PluginType *obj
Set the chunk value of the object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setIntegerValue)(AP_PluginType *obj
Set the integer value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setFloatValue)(AP_PluginType *obj
Set the float value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setDecimalValue)(AP_PluginType *obj
Set the decimal value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setBooleanValue)(AP_PluginType *obj
Set the boolean value of the object
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setStringValue)(AP_PluginType *obj
Set the string value of the object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *releaseSequenceElements)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to sequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *releaseChunkSequenceElements)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to chunkSequenceElements().
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *releaseIntegerSequenceElements)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to integerSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *createSequence)(const AP_PluginType *obj
Take an uninitialised sequence object and create an empty sequence with the indicated member type.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *copyFrom)(const AP_PluginType *obj
Copy another AP_Type into this, regardless of type
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *setSequenceLength)(const AP_PluginType *obj
Set the length of a sequence object.
Member AP_PluginType_Functions::void (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *releaseStringSequenceElements)(const AP_PluginType *obj)
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to stringSequenceElements() and copies any changes made to the sequence elements to the underlying EPL objects.
Class AP_PluginTypeList_API
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginTypeList_API::functions
Pointer to function API
Class AP_PluginTypeList_Functions
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_PluginTypeList_Functions::AP_bool (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *isEmpty)(const AP_PluginTypeList *list)
Return true iff size() == 0
Member AP_PluginTypeList_Functions::AP_uint32 (AP_PLUGIN_CALL *getSize)(const AP_PluginTypeList *list)
Return the number of objects in the list
Member AP_PluginTypeList_Functions::getElement (const AP_PluginTypeList *list, AP_uint32 index)
Return a pointer to an element of the list
Member AP_PluginVersionFunctionPtr )(const AP_PluginContext *ctx, AP_uint32 *version)
Type of a plugin library version function.
EPL sequence (of any supported type)
The name of the shutdown function which must be exported from a plugin library
Member AP_ShutdownFunctionPtr )(const AP_Context &ctx)
Type of a plugin library shutdown function.
EPL string
Member AP_ThreadEndedFunctionPtr )(const AP_Context &ctx)
Type of a plugin library thread ended function.
Class AP_Type
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_Type::booleanSequenceElements (size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const =0
Generate an array of booleans encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_Type::booleanValue () const =0
Get the boolean value of the object
Member AP_Type::booleanValue (bool val)=0
Set the boolean value of the object
Member AP_Type::chunkSequenceElements (size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const =0
Generate an array of pointers to chunks encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_Type::chunkValue () const =0
Get the chunk value of the object
Member AP_Type::chunkValue (AP_Chunk *val) const =0
Set the chunk value of the object.
Member AP_Type::copyFrom (const AP_Type &other)=0
Copy another AP_Type into this, regardless of type
Member AP_Type::createSequence (AP_TypeDiscriminator inner)=0
Take an uninitialised sequence object and create an empty sequence with the indicated member type.
Member AP_Type::decimalSequenceElements (size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const =0
Generate an array of decimals encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_Type::decimalValue () const =0
Get the decimal value of the object
Member AP_Type::decimalValue (AP_decimal val)=0
Set the decimal value of the object
Member AP_Type::discriminator () const =0
Get the type of the encapsulated object
Member AP_Type::floatSequenceElements (size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const =0
Generate an array of floats encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_Type::floatValue () const =0
Get the float value of the object
Member AP_Type::floatValue (float64 val)=0
Set the float value of the object
Member AP_Type::integerSequenceElements (size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const =0
Generate an array of integers encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_Type::integerValue () const =0
Get the integer value of the object
Member AP_Type::integerValue (int64 val)=0
Set the integer value of the object
Member AP_Type::operator AP_Chunk * () const
Operator to get chunk value from object
Member AP_Type::operator AP_decimal () const
Operator to get decimal value from object
Member AP_Type::operator bool () const
Operator to get boolean value from object
Member AP_Type::operator const char8 * () const
Operator to get string value from object
Member AP_Type::operator float64 () const
Operator to get float value from object
Member AP_Type::operator int64 () const
Operator to get integer value from object
Member AP_Type::operator= (float64 val)
Operator to assign float value to object
Member AP_Type::operator= (const AP_Type &other)
Copy assignment operator from another AP_Type
Member AP_Type::operator= (AP_decimal val)
Operator to assign decimal value to object
Member AP_Type::operator= (bool val)
Operator to assign boolean value to object
Member AP_Type::operator= (int64 val)
Operator to assign integer value to object
Member AP_Type::operator= (const char8 *val)
Operator to assign string value to object
Member AP_Type::operator= (AP_Chunk *val)
Operator to assign chunk value to object
Member AP_Type::operator[] (size_t index) const
Operator to get sequence element of object
Member AP_Type::releaseBooleanSequenceElements () const =0
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to booleanSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_Type::releaseChunkSequenceElements () const =0
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to chunkSequenceElements().
Member AP_Type::releaseDecimalSequenceElements () const =0
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to decimalSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_Type::releaseFloatSequenceElements () const =0
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to floatSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_Type::releaseIntegerSequenceElements () const =0
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to integerSequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_Type::releaseSequenceElements () const =0
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to sequenceElements() and ensures that any changes made to the sequence elements are reflected in the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_Type::releaseStringSequenceElements () const =0
Free the resources allocated by all preceding calls to stringSequenceElements() and copies any changes made to the sequence elements to the underlying EPL objects.
Member AP_Type::sequenceElement (size_t index) const =0
Get a reference to a single sequence element.
Member AP_Type::sequenceElements (size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const =0
Generate an array of pointers to AP_Type objects, encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_Type::sequenceLength () const =0
Get the number of elements in a sequence object
Member AP_Type::sequenceType () const =0
Get the element type of a sequence object
Member AP_Type::setSequenceLength (size_t length) const =0
Set the length of a sequence object.
Member AP_Type::stringSequenceElements (size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const =0
Generate an array of string pointers encapsulating elements [start..start+length-1] of the sequence object.
Member AP_Type::stringValue () const =0
Get the string value of the object
Member AP_Type::stringValue (const char8 *val)=0
Set the string value of the object.
Member AP_Type::visitSequenceElements (const FN &fn, size_t start=0, size_t length=size_t(-1)) const
Visit the specified elements of a sequence using the specified functor.
Member AP_Type::visitSequenceElementsImpl (const ElementFn &, size_t start, size_t length) const =0
Member AP_Type::~AP_Type ()=0
Member AP_TypeDiscriminator
Class AP_TypeException
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_TypeException::AP_TypeException (const std::string &what)
Construct an AP_TypeException from a message
Class AP_TypeList
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_TypeList::AP_TypeList (const T *array, size_t n)
Construct a list from an array of classes derived from AP_Type
Member AP_TypeList::empty () const
Return true iff size() == 0
Member AP_TypeList::operator[] (size_t i) const
Return a reference to an element of the list
Member AP_TypeList::size () const
Return the number of objects in the list
Class AP_UnimplementedException
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_UnimplementedException::AP_UnimplementedException (const std::string &what)
Construct an AP_UnimplementedException from a message
Any other problem
Class AP_UserPluginException
This class has been deprecated.
Member AP_UserPluginException::AP_UserPluginException (const std::string &type, const std::string &what)
Construct an AP_UserPluginException from a type and a message.
Member AP_UserPluginException::getType () const
Return the type of this user exception
Plugin and API versions are incompatible
Member com::apama::engine::EngineManagement::connectEventConsumer (com::apama::event::EventConsumer *consumer, const char *const *channels, bool disconnectSlow)=0
This method is deprecated. Instead use EngineManagement::connectEventConsumer(com::apama::event::EventConsumer*, const char* const*) with com::apama::engine::connectToEngine(const char*, unsigned short, bool)
Member com::apama::epl::CorrelatorInterface::sendEvent (const char *type, data_t &&event) const
Use sendEventTo instead
Member com::apama::epl::CorrelatorInterface::sendEvent (const std::string &event) const
Use sendEventTo instead
Member com::apama::epl::CorrelatorInterface::sendEvent (const char *event) const
Use sendEventTo instead
Class com::softwareag::connectivity::MapHelper
This class has been deprecated; we recommend using the MapExtractor class for this purpose instead.
Member com::softwareag::connectivity::Message::getMetadata () const
Return a reference to the metadata
Member com::softwareag::connectivity::Message::getMetadata ()
Return a reference to the metadata
File correlator_plugin.h
This API is deprecated in favour of the C++ API defined in epl_plugin.hpp
File correlator_plugin.hpp
This API is deprecated in favour of the C++ API defined in epl_plugin.hpp