Using the Engine Information view
The Engine Information view inspects a running correlator and displays defined contents of the correlator. It displays the same information as the Apama command line tool engine_inspect.
The information is grouped as follows (click on the right-facing triangle to view the contents of each group):
Aggregates — The names of custom (user-defined) aggregate functions that have been injected. You use aggregate functions in stream queries. Apama built-in aggregate functions are not listed.
Contexts — The names of any user-defined contexts, how many monitor instances are running in each context, how many entries are on each context's input queue, and the names of any channels each context is subscribed to.
Events — The names of all event types in the correlator, and the number of templates of each type, as defined in listener specifications.
Java Monitors — The names of all Java applications in the correlator and the number of event listeners each Java application has created.
Monitors — The names of all monitors in the correlator and the number of monitor instances each monitor has spawned.
Plugin Receivers — The names of any plug-in receivers, the channels each plug-in receiver is subscribed to, and the number of items on each plug-in receiver's input queue. A plug-in receiver is an EPL plug-in that is subscribed to one or more channels.
Receivers — The names of any external receivers, the address of each external receiver, the channels each external receiver is subscribed to, and the number of entries on the output queue of each external receiver.
Timers — Displays the current EPL timers active within the system. The four types of timers that might be displayed here are wait, within, at, and stream. The stream timers are those set up to support the operation of a stream network.
Displaying information in the Engine Information view can slow performance, so you may want to close the view if Software AG Designer is not very responsive.
The following actions are available:
Delete button — Direct deletion of the defined named entities. You can also delete the entity by right clicking the entity and selecting
Delete from the drop down menu. A confirmation message appears after you click
Delete. If the entity has dependencies on it, a confirmation message appears asking if you want allow a forced deletion.