Apama 10.5.3 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Function Reference | Tabular Functions | Filter By Pattern
Filter By Pattern
Returns a table containing all rows from a specified table in which the value of a specified column matches a specified pattern.
This function has the following arguments:
*Table: Table from which matching rows are to be extracted.
*Filter Column Name: Text string specifying the column of Table to be searched for matches.
*Pattern: Text string that is either a simple string that optionally uses * as a wildcard, or a regular expression as described in the Java API documentation for java.util.regex.Pattern.
*Pattern Is Reg Expr: Numerical value (0 or 1) that determines whether the pattern is interpreted as a simple string (that optionally uses * as a wildcard) or as a regular expression. If this argument is 0 (the default), Pattern is interpreted as a simple string. Otherwise, Pattern is interpreted as a regular expression.
This function returns a table.