Apama Overview
In addition to reading this Introduction to Apama, it is recommended that you do the following to become familiar with Apama:
Work through the Apama tutorials in
Software AG Designer. From the
Help menu, choose
Welcome to display the Welcome page, and then click
Tutorials under the
Apama heading. This displays links to interactive tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions for writing simple Apama applications that you can then run and monitor.
Look at the Apama demos in
Software AG Designer. Click
Demos under the
Apama heading on the above-mentioned Welcome page.
Use the skills you learned in the tutorials to try modifying the demos as suggested in their readme files.
There are several approaches for developing Apama applications:
EPL. Apama's Event Processing Language (EPL) is designed for developing event processing applications. This approach is for programmers who need a powerful event processing language.
Apama queries. Apama queries are useful when you want to monitor incoming events that provide information updates about a very large set of real-world entities such as credit cards, bank accounts, cell phones. Typically, you want to independently examine the set of events associated with each entity, that is, all events related to a particular credit card account, bank account, or cell phone. A query application operates on a huge number of independent sets with a relatively small number of events in each set.
You can also use the following approach, but keep in mind that this is less powerful and therefore not really recommended:
Apama in-process API for Java (JMon). Apama's JMon interface lets programmers use the industry standard Java programming language to develop event processing applications.
Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you can use as many approaches as required in a single Apama application.