Apama 10.5.3 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in EPL | Using Correlator Persistence | Upgrading monitors in a persistence-enabled correlator
Upgrading monitors in a persistence-enabled correlator
While injection order is fixed and you cannot change it, you might want to upgrade a monitor and this would appear to require a change in the injection order. That is, upon recovery, you want the correlator to restore the upgraded monitor and not the older version of the monitor.
Remember that it is an error if you try to inject a monitor while instances of that monitor are already running in the correlator. The correlator never injects a duplicate monitor definition.
In a correlator without persistence enabled, you can terminate all monitor instances and then inject the updated monitor definition. Since all old versions of the monitor had terminated, the correlator would correctly inject the updated monitor even though it had the same name. Also, since persistence is not enabled, there is no recovery process and so recovery of the older version of the monitor is not an issue.
In a persistence-enabled correlator, terminating all instances of a monitor you want to upgrade is unlikely to be an option. For more information, see Versioning and upgrading monitors.
When your upgrade procedure terminates all instances of the old monitor the recovery process does not restore that monitor since all instances were deleted.
You might find that it makes more sense for your upgrade procedure to leave the instances of the old monitor running while changing the interface for whatever creates new instances of the monitor to create instances of the upgraded monitor instead of instances of the old monitor. The correlator would then be running some old versions of the monitor and some new versions of the monitor. Upon recovery, the correlator would recover both versions until all instances of the old monitor had terminated. This approach might be appropriate when the logic has changed so much that it is not practical to upgrade monitor instances, or when maintaining behavior for existing instances is desired.