Apama 10.5.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 9.12 | Apama enhancements in Software AG Designer 9.12
Apama enhancements in Software AG Designer 9.12
Apama 9.12 includes the following enhancements in Software AG Designer:
*When you create an adapter, the instance name that Software AG Designer offers by default now
*includes the adapter type,
*no longer includes a space (thus, it is no longer required to escape the name in various places), and
*the number that is provided with the name is incremented depending on the adapter type.
For example, when you create a File adapter, the default instance name is now FileAdapter1, and when you create a Web Services Client adapter next, the default instance name is now WebServicesClientAdapter1. The instance names are no longer instance 1 for the first adapter and instance 2 for the second adapter.
It is recommended that you specify your own instance names instead of just accepting the default names. An instance name should clearly identify the purpose of the adapter. For example, if you use the correlator-integrated adapter for JMS to connect to a customer tracking system, you should use a name such as CustomerTracking (and not just JMS).
When you specify your own instance name, it is no longer possible to specify spaces within the name.
*Software AG Designer now supports adding multiple User Connectivity configuration instances (each represented by a directory of configuration files) to your project. The instances can contain multiple .yaml and .properties files. You can selectively enable or disable individual User Connectivity instances from the correlator launch configuration dialog. See Creating Apama projects for more information about adding User Connectivity support to a project.
*The Connectivity Plug-ins Support option has been removed from under Startup options in the Correlator Configurations dialog, and the Connectivity tab has been added.
*In the dialog for configuring correlators in a launch configuration, the Xconfig text box has been removed and replaced with a text box called Configuration. The Configuration text box accepts the path of a configuration file in either YAML (preferred) or the deprecated TXT configuration file format. This configuration can be used for a variety of purposes such as configuring per-package EPL logging settings. See Configuring the correlator.