Apama 10.5.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.5.2 | Cumulocity API enhancements in 10.5.2
Cumulocity API enhancements in 10.5.2
Some events have been added to the Cumulocity API to allow easy retrieval of information in some predefined areas.
*You can get the values for all the tenant options in the tenant, or search for specific tenant options.
*You can look up the details and roles of the user you connected as, or the microservice service user. Alternatively, you can forward on the Authorization header or OAuth cookies of an incoming request to validate the roles of that user.
*Measurement events can be split into individual fragments and series to allow better performance when filtering on incoming events.
The Cumulocity API now allows the ability to retrieve a response for the creation or update of the predefined types (Alarm, Operation, Event, Measurement, MeasurementFragment and ManagedObject) by using the newly added withResponse action. Headers can now be set on the request, for example, to determine the processing mode within Cumulocity IoT.
For detailed information, see The Cumulocity IoT Transport Connectivity Plug-in.