pysys.writer package

Module contents

Contains implementations of output writers used to output test results during runtime execution.

Output writers are responsible for summarising test results on completion of a test, or on completion of a set of tests. There are currently three distinct types of writers, namely Record, Progress, and Summary, each of which performs output at different stages of a run i.e.

  • “Record” writers output the outcome of a specific test after completion of that test, to allow

runtime auditing of the test output, e.g. into a relational database. Four implementations of record writers are distributed with the PySys framework, namely the writer.TextResultsWriter, the writer.XMLResultsWriter, the writer.JUnitXMLResultsWriter and the writer.CSVResultsWriter. Whilst the record writers distributed with PySys all subclass writer.BaseResultsWriter best practice is to subclass writer.BaseRecordResultsWriter when writing custom implementations. Record writers are enabled when the –record flag is given to the PySys launcher.

  • “Progress” writers output a summary of the test progress after completion of each test, to give

an indication of how far and how well the run is progressing. A single implementation of a progress writer is distributed with the PySys framework, namely the writer.ConsoleProgressResultsWriter, which details the percentage of tests selected to be run and that have executed, and a summary of the recent test failures. Progress writers should extend the writer.BaseProgressResultsWriter and are enabled when the –progress flag is given to the PySys launcher, or when PYSYS_PROGRESS=true is set in the local environment.

  • “Summary” writers output an overall summary of the status at the end of a test run. A single implementation

of a progress writer is distributed with the PySys framework, namely the writer.ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter, which details the overall test run outcome and lists any tests that did not pass. A summary writer is always enabled regardless of the flags given to the pysys launcher.

Project configuration of the writers is through the PySys project XML file using the <writer> tag. Multiple writers may be configured and their individual properties set through the nested <property> tag. Writer properties are set as attributes to the class through the setattr() function. Custom (site specific) modules can be created and configured by users of the PySys framework (e.g. to output test results into a relational database etc), though they must adhere to the interface demonstrated by the implementations demonstrated here. If no progress writers are explicitly configured in the PySys project XML file, an instance of writer.ConsoleProgressResultsWriter is used. If no summary writer is explicitly configured in the PySys project XML file, an instance of writer.ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter is used.

The writers are instantiated and invoked by the pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner class instance. This calls the class constructors of all configured test writers, and then the setup (prior to executing the set of tests), processResult (process a test result), and cleanup (upon completion of the execution of all tests). The **kwargs method parameter is used for variable argument passing in the interface methods to allow modification of the PySys framework without breaking writer implementations already in existence.

class pysys.writer.BaseProgressResultsWriter(logfile=None)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseResultsWriter

Base class for writers that display progress information while tests are running.

Progress writers are only enabled if the –progress flag is specified.

class pysys.writer.BaseRecordResultsWriter(logfile=None)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseResultsWriter

Base class for writers that record the results of tests, and are enabled only when the –record flag is specified.

For compatibility reasons writers that do not subclass BaseSummaryResultsWriter or BaseProgressResultsWriter are treated as “record” writers even if they do not inherit from this class.

class pysys.writer.BaseResultsWriter(logfile=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for objects that get notified as and when test results are available.


Create an instance of the BaseResultsWriter class.

Parameters:logfile – Optional configuration property specifying a file to store output in. Does not apply to all writers, can be ignored if not needed.

Called after all tests have finished executing (or been cancelled).

This is where file headers can be written, and open handles should be closed.

Parameters:kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
processResult(testObj, cycle=0, testTime=0, testStart=0, **kwargs)[source]

Called when each test has completed.

This method is always invoked from the same thread as setup() and cleanup(), even when multiple tests are running in parallel.

  • testObj – Reference to an instance of a pysys.basetest.BaseTest class. The writer can extract data from this object but should not store a reference to it. The indicates the test that ran.
  • cycle – The cycle number. These start from 0, so please add 1 to this value before using.
  • testTime – Duration of the test in seconds.
  • testStart – The time when the test started.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
processTestStarting(testObj, cycle=-1, **kwargs)[source]

Called when a test is just about to begin executing.

Note on thread-safety: unlike the other methods on this interface, this is usually executed on a worker thread, so any data structures accessed in this method and others on this class must be synchronized if performing non-atomic operations.

  • testObj – Reference to an instance of a pysys.basetest.BaseTest class. The writer can extract data from this object but should not store a reference to it. The indicates the test that ran.
  • cycle – The cycle number. These start from 0, so please add 1 to this value before using.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
setup(numTests=0, cycles=1, xargs=None, threads=0, **kwargs)[source]

Called before any tests begin, and after any configuration properties have been set on this object.

  • numTests – The total number of tests (cycles*testids) to be executed
  • cycles – The number of cycles.
  • xargs – The runner’s xargs
  • threads – The number of threads used for running tests.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
class pysys.writer.BaseSummaryResultsWriter(logfile=None)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseResultsWriter

Base class for writers that display a summary of test results.

Summary writers are always enabled (regardless of whether –progress or –record are specified). If no “summary” writers are configured, a default ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter instance will be added automatically.

class pysys.writer.CSVResultsWriter(logfile)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseRecordResultsWriter

Class to log results to logfile in CSV format.

Writing of the test summary file defaults to the working directory. This can be be over-ridden in the PySys project file using the nested <property> tag on the <writer> tag. The CSV column output is in the form;

id, title, cycle, startTime, duration, outcome

Variables:outputDir (string) – Path to output directory to write the test summary files

Create an instance of the TextResultsWriter class.

Parameters:logfile – The filename template for the logging of test results

Implementation of the cleanup method.

Flushes and closes the file handle to the logfile.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
outputDir = None
processResult(testObj, **kwargs)[source]

Implementation of the processResult method.

Writes the test id and outcome to the logfile.


Implementation of the setup method.

Creates the file handle to the logfile and logs initial details of the date, platform and test host.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
class pysys.writer.ConsoleProgressResultsWriter(logfile=None)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseProgressResultsWriter

Default progress writer that logs a summary of progress so far to the console, after each test completes.


Create an instance of the BaseResultsWriter class.

Parameters:logfile – Optional configuration property specifying a file to store output in. Does not apply to all writers, can be ignored if not needed.
processResult(testObj, cycle=-1, **kwargs)[source]

Called when each test has completed.

This method is always invoked from the same thread as setup() and cleanup(), even when multiple tests are running in parallel.

  • testObj – Reference to an instance of a pysys.basetest.BaseTest class. The writer can extract data from this object but should not store a reference to it. The indicates the test that ran.
  • cycle – The cycle number. These start from 0, so please add 1 to this value before using.
  • testTime – Duration of the test in seconds.
  • testStart – The time when the test started.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
processTestStarting(testObj, cycle=-1, **kwargs)[source]

Called when a test is just about to begin executing.

Note on thread-safety: unlike the other methods on this interface, this is usually executed on a worker thread, so any data structures accessed in this method and others on this class must be synchronized if performing non-atomic operations.

  • testObj – Reference to an instance of a pysys.basetest.BaseTest class. The writer can extract data from this object but should not store a reference to it. The indicates the test that ran.
  • cycle – The cycle number. These start from 0, so please add 1 to this value before using.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
setup(cycles=-1, numTests=-1, threads=-1, **kwargs)[source]

Called before any tests begin, and after any configuration properties have been set on this object.

  • numTests – The total number of tests (cycles*testids) to be executed
  • cycles – The number of cycles.
  • xargs – The runner’s xargs
  • threads – The number of threads used for running tests.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
testToDisplay(testObj, cycle)[source]
class pysys.writer.ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter(logfile=None)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseSummaryResultsWriter

Default summary writer that is used to list a summary of the test results at the end of execution.


Create an instance of the BaseResultsWriter class.

Parameters:logfile – Optional configuration property specifying a file to store output in. Does not apply to all writers, can be ignored if not needed.

Called after all tests have finished executing (or been cancelled).

This is where file headers can be written, and open handles should be closed.

Parameters:kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
processResult(testObj, cycle=-1, testTime=-1, testStart=-1, **kwargs)[source]

Called when each test has completed.

This method is always invoked from the same thread as setup() and cleanup(), even when multiple tests are running in parallel.

  • testObj – Reference to an instance of a pysys.basetest.BaseTest class. The writer can extract data from this object but should not store a reference to it. The indicates the test that ran.
  • cycle – The cycle number. These start from 0, so please add 1 to this value before using.
  • testTime – Duration of the test in seconds.
  • testStart – The time when the test started.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
setup(cycles=0, threads=0, **kwargs)[source]

Called before any tests begin, and after any configuration properties have been set on this object.

  • numTests – The total number of tests (cycles*testids) to be executed
  • cycles – The number of cycles.
  • xargs – The runner’s xargs
  • threads – The number of threads used for running tests.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments may be added in a future release.
class pysys.writer.JUnitXMLResultsWriter(logfile)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseRecordResultsWriter

Class to log test results in Apache Ant JUnit XML format (one output file per test per cycle).

Variables:outputDir (string) – Path to output directory to write the test summary files

Create an instance of the TextResultsWriter class.

Parameters:logfile – The (optional) filename template for the logging of test results

Implementation of the cleanup method.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
outputDir = None
processResult(testObj, **kwargs)[source]

Implementation of the processResult method.

Creates a test summary file in the Apache Ant Junit XML format.

purgeDirectory(dir, delTop=False)[source]

Implementation of the setup method.

Creates the output directory for the writing of the test summary files.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
class pysys.writer.TextResultsWriter(logfile)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseRecordResultsWriter

Class to log results to logfile in text format.

Writing of the test summary file defaults to the working directory. This can be be overridden in the PySys project file using the nested <property> tag on the <writer> tag.

Variables:outputDir (string) – Path to output directory to write the test summary files

Create an instance of the TextResultsWriter class.

Parameters:logfile – The filename template for the logging of test results

Implementation of the cleanup method.

Flushes and closes the file handle to the logfile.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
outputDir = None
processResult(testObj, **kwargs)[source]

Implementation of the processResult method.

Writes the test id and outcome to the logfile.


Implementation of the setup method.

Creates the file handle to the logfile and logs initial details of the date, platform and test host.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
class pysys.writer.XMLResultsWriter(logfile)[source]

Bases: pysys.writer.BaseRecordResultsWriter

Class to log results to logfile in XML format.

The class creates a DOM document to represent the test output results and writes the DOM to the logfile using toprettyxml(). The outputDir, stylesheet, useFileURL attributes of the class can be over-ridden in the PySys project file using the nested <property> tag on the <writer> tag.

  • outputDir (string) – Path to output directory to write the test summary files
  • stylesheet (string) – Path to the XSL stylesheet
  • useFileURL (string (true | false)) – Indicates if full file URLs are to be used for local resource references

Create an instance of the TextResultsWriter class.

Parameters:logfile – The filename template for the logging of test results

Implementation of the cleanup method.

Updates the test run status in the DOM, and re-writes to logfile.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
outputDir = None
processResult(testObj, **kwargs)[source]

Implementation of the processResult method.

Adds the results node to the DOM and re-writes to logfile.


Implementation of the setup method.

Creates the DOM for the test output summary and writes to logfile.

Parameters:kwargs – Variable argument list
stylesheet = 'c:\\apama_build\\br\\rel\\10.3.0.x\\apama-lib4\\win\\amd64\\all\\python\\3.6.6\\Lib\\site-packages\\pysys-log.xsl'
useFileURL = 'false'
class pysys.writer.flushfile(fp)[source]

Bases: object

Utility class to flush on each write operation - for internal use only.


Create an instance of the class.

Parameters:fp – The file object

Close the file objet.

fp = None

Perform a seek on the file objet.


Perform a write to the file object.

Parameters:msg – The string message to write.