pysys.process package

Module contents

Contains cross platform classes and utilities for starting, stopping and monitoring processes.

The module contains the base class pysys.process.user that can be extended by subclasses that require the ability to start, stop, interact and monitor processes started by the PySys framework. Subclasses within the framework are the pysys.basetest.BaseTest and pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner classes, both of which may be required to start processes as part of the execution of a set of testcases. The import path of the helper and monitor modules is set up at runtime so as to select either the Win32 modules (located in pysys.process.plat-win32), or the unix modules (located in pysys.process.plat-unix); both modules are written to display common functionality in order to provide a unified abstraction where the user is not required to select the correct modules based on their current operation system.