Source code for pysys.xml.manual

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2018  M.B.Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

# Contact:

from __future__ import print_function
import os.path, logging, xml.dom.minidom

from pysys.constants import *

log = logging.getLogger('pysys.xml.manual')

<!ELEMENT pysysmanualtest (step)+ >
<!ELEMENT step (description, expectedresult?) >
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT expectedresult (#PCDATA) >
               validate (true | false) "true">

[docs]class XMLManualTestStep(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, number, title, validate, wrap, description, expectedResult): self.number = number self.title = title self.validate = validate self.wrap = wrap self.description = description self.expectedResult = expectedResult
[docs] def toString(self): print("Step number: %d" % self.number) print("Step title: %s" % self.title) print("Step validate: %s" % self.validate) print("Step wrap: %s" % self.wrap) sys.stdout.write("Step description: ") desc = self.description.split('\n') for index in range(0, len(desc)): if index == 0: print(desc[index]) if index != 0: print(" %s" % desc[index]) print("Expected result: %s" % self.expectedResult)
[docs]class XMLManualTestParser(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, xmlfile): self.dirname = os.path.dirname(xmlfile) self.xmlfile = xmlfile if not os.path.exists(xmlfile): raise Exception("Unable to find supplied manual test input file \"%s\"" % xmlfile) try: self.doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlfile) except Exception: raise Exception("%s " % (sys.exc_info()[1])) else: if self.doc.getElementsByTagName('pysysmanualtest') == []: raise Exception("No <pysysmanualtest> element supplied in XML descriptor") else: self.root = self.doc.getElementsByTagName('pysysmanualtest')[0]
[docs] def getSteps(self): stepsNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('step') if stepsNodeList == []: raise Exception("No <step> element supplied in XML manual test input file") steps = [] stepnumber = 0 for stepsNode in stepsNodeList: title = stepsNode.getAttribute("title") validate = stepsNode.getAttribute("validate") wrap = stepsNode.getAttribute("wrap") if stepsNode.getElementsByTagName('description') == []: raise Exception("No <description> child element of <step> supplied in XML manual test input file") else: try: description = stepsNode.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].childNodes[0].data except Exception: description = "" try: expectedResult = stepsNode.getElementsByTagName('expectedresult')[0].childNodes[0].data except Exception: expectedResult = "" stepnumber = stepnumber + 1 steps.append(XMLManualTestStep(stepnumber, title, validate, wrap, description, expectedResult)) return steps
[docs] def putSteps(self, steps): stepsNodeList = self.root.getElementsByTagName('step') for step in stepsNodeList: self.root.removeChild(step) step.unlink() stepsNodeList = [] for step in range(len(steps)): newStep = self.doc.createElement('step') newDesc = self.doc.createElement('description') newDesc.appendChild(self.doc.createCDATASection("")) newStep.appendChild(newDesc) newExp = self.doc.createElement('expectedresult') newExp.appendChild(self.doc.createCDATASection("")) newStep.appendChild(newExp) self.root.appendChild(newStep) stepsNodeList.append(newStep) if steps[step].expectedResult == "\n": steps[step].expectedResult = "" stepsNode = stepsNodeList[step] stepsNode.setAttribute("title", steps[step].title) stepsNode.setAttribute("validate", steps[step].validate) stepsNode.setAttribute("wrap", steps[step].validate) stepsNode.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].childNodes[0].data = steps[step].description stepsNode.getElementsByTagName('expectedresult')[0].childNodes[0].data = steps[step].expectedResult
[docs] def writeXml(self): f = open(self.xmlfile, 'w') f.write(self.doc.toxml()) f.close()