Apama 10.3 | Apama Documentation | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Using the Dashboard Viewer | Using the Dashboard Viewer | Opening and viewing dashboards | Displaying additional dashboards
Displaying additional dashboards
A dashboard project can consist of more than one dashboard. In many cases, each dashboard is displayed one at a time, in the Dashboard Viewer main window. In other cases, separate windows are created to display additional dashboards.
Displaying dashboards in separate windows is common for dashboards that are used to create or edit instances. For example, to see the separate dashboard used to create instances in the Statistical Arbitrage demo, click the Create button in the Statistical Arbitrage dashboard. This displays a separate dashboard in a new window.
Any dashboard can be designed to display other dashboards in separate windows. The dashboards may even be nested; for example, the Create window in the Statistical Arbitrage demo could itself have been designed to display additional windows. Window usage is specified when the dashboard project is created in the Dashboard Builder.

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