Apama 10.3 | Apama Documentation | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Setting the Apama Preferences | MonitorScript
The MonitorScript page of the Apama preferences allows you to toggle the editor's assistance options. The following options are available:
Auto Close Quotes
If selected (default), a closing quotation mark (") is automatically added when you insert a quotation mark.
Auto Close Brackets
This pertains to these types of brackets:
[ ]
( )
If selected (default), a matching closing bracket is automatically added when you insert an opening bracket.
Auto Close Braces
This pertains to this type of braces:
{ }
If selected (default), a matching closing brace is automatically added when you insert an opening brace.
Context Assistance
If selected (default), context assistance is turned on. When you type an event name followed by a period (.), a list of the event parameters defined by that event type pops up. You can then choose the parameter that you want to insert in your application.

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