Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT 10.3.1 | Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT Documentation | Using Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Using the Model Editor | Working with blocks and wires | Undoing and redoing an operation
Undoing and redoing an operation
You can undo and redo each change that has been applied to the canvas. For example, you can undo the deletion of blocks, undo changed parameter values, or undo the rerouting of a wire.
It is not possible to undo/redo the change to a model name or its description.
Note: To use the key combinations mentioned below, the canvas must have the focus. When the documentation pane or the palette currently has the focus, the change on the canvas is not undone/redone.
* To undo or redo an operation
*To undo the last operation, click in the toolbar of the model editor.
Or press Ctrl+Z.
*To redo the last operation, click in the toolbar of the model editor.
Or press Ctrl+Y.
The above toolbar buttons are only enabled when there is an operation that can be undone or redone.

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