Source code for pysys.launcher.console

# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2018  M.B.Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

# Contact:

from __future__ import print_function
import os.path, stat, getopt, logging

from pysys import log

from pysys import __version__
from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.launcher import createDescriptors
from pysys.xml.descriptor import DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE
from pysys.basetest import TEST_TEMPLATE
from pysys.utils.loader import import_module

EXPR1 = re.compile("^[\w\.]*=.*$")
EXPR2 = re.compile("^[\w\.]*$")
EXPR3 = re.compile("^[\w]*_([0-9]+)$")

[docs]class ConsoleCleanTestHelper(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, workingDir, name=""): self.workingDir = workingDir self.arguments = [] self.outsubdir = PLATFORM self.all = False = name self.optionString = 'hav:o:' self.optionList = ["help","all", "verbosity=","outdir="]
[docs] def printUsage(self, printXOptions): print("\nPySys System Test Framework (version %s): Console clean test helper" % __version__) print("\nUsage: %s %s [option]* [tests]*" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), print(" where [option] includes;") print(" -h | --help print this message") print(" -a | --all clean all compiled testclass files") print(" -v | --verbosity STRING set the verbosity level (CRIT, WARN, INFO, DEBUG)") print(" -o | --outdir STRING set the name of the test output subdirectories to clean") sys.exit()
[docs] def parseArgs(self, args, printXOptions=None): try: optlist, self.arguments = getopt.getopt(args, self.optionString, self.optionList) except Exception: log.warn("Error parsing command line arguments: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) sys.exit(1) for option, value in optlist: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.printUsage(printXOptions) elif option in ("-a", "--all"): self.all = True elif option in ("-v", "--verbosity"): if value.upper() == "DEBUG": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif value.upper() == "INFO": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif value.upper() == "WARN": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.WARN) elif value.upper() == "CRIT": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) elif option in ("-o", "--outdir"): self.outsubdir = value
[docs] def clean(self): descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, None, [], [], None, self.workingDir) for descriptor in descriptors: if self.all: if sys.version_info >= (3,): cache=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(descriptor.module),"__pycache__") if os.path.exists(cache):"Deleting pycache: " + cache) self.purgeDirectory(cache, True) else: path = descriptor.module + ".pyc" try: mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISLNK(mode): os.unlink(path) if stat.S_ISREG(mode): os.remove(path)"Deleting compiled module: " + path) except Exception: log.debug("Error deleting compiled module: " + path) pathToDelete = os.path.join(descriptor.output, self.outsubdir) if os.path.exists(pathToDelete):"Deleting output directory: " + pathToDelete) self.purgeDirectory(pathToDelete, True) else: log.debug("Output directory does not exist: " + pathToDelete)
[docs] def purgeDirectory(self, dir, delTop=False): for file in os.listdir(dir): path = os.path.join(dir, file) if PLATFORM in ['sunos', 'linux']: mode = os.lstat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] else: mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISLNK(mode): os.unlink(path) if stat.S_ISREG(mode): os.remove(path) elif stat.S_ISDIR(mode): self.purgeDirectory(path, delTop=True) if delTop: os.rmdir(dir)
[docs]class ConsolePrintHelper(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, workingDir, name=""): self.workingDir = workingDir self.arguments = [] self.full = False self.groups = False self.modes = False self.requirements = False self.mode = None self.type = None self.trace = None self.includes = [] self.excludes = [] self.tests = None = name self.optionString = 'hfgdrm:a:t:i:e:' self.optionList = ["help","full","groups","modes","requirements","mode=","type=","trace=","include=","exclude="]
[docs] def printUsage(self): print("\nPySys System Test Framework (version %s): Console print test helper" % __version__) print("\nUsage: %s %s [option]* [tests]*" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), print(" where options include;") print(" -h | --help print this message") print(" -f | --full print full information") print(" -g | --groups print test groups defined") print(" -d | --modes print test modes defined") print(" -r | --requirements print test requirements covered") print(" -m | --mode STRING print tests that run in user defined mode ") print(" -a | --type STRING print tests of supplied type (auto or manual, default all)") print(" -t | --trace STRING print tests which cover requirement id ") print(" -i | --include STRING print tests in included group (can be specified multiple times)") print(" -e | --exclude STRING do not print tests in excluded group (can be specified multiple times)") print("") print(" and where [tests] describes a set of tests to be printed to the console. Note that multiple test ") print(" sets can be specified, and where none are given all available tests will be run. If an include ") print(" group is given, only tests that belong to that group will be printed. If an exclude group is given, ") print(" tests in the group will not be run. The following syntax is used to select a test set;") print("") print(" test1 - a single testcase with id test1") print(" :test2 - upto testcase with id test2") print(" test1: - from testcase with id test1 onwards") print(" id1:id2 - all tests between tests with ids test1 and test2") print("") print(" e.g. ") print(" %s -i group1 -e group2 --full test1:test3" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) print("") sys.exit()
[docs] def parseArgs(self, args): try: optlist, self.arguments = getopt.getopt(args, self.optionString, self.optionList) except Exception: log.warn("Error parsing command line arguments: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) sys.exit(1) for option, value in optlist: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.printUsage() elif option in ("-f", "--full"): self.full = True if option in ("-g", "--groups"): self.groups = True if option in ("-d", "--modes"): self.modes = True if option in ("-r", "--requirements"): self.requirements = True elif option in ("-m", "--mode"): self.mode = value elif option in ("-a", "--type"): self.type = value if self.type not in ["auto", "manual"]: log.warn("Unsupported test type - valid types are auto and manual") sys.exit(1) elif option in ("-t", "--trace"): self.trace = value elif option in ("-i", "--include"): self.includes.append(value) elif option in ("-e", "--exclude"): self.excludes.append(value)
[docs] def printTests(self): descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, self.type, self.includes, self.excludes, self.trace, self.workingDir) exit = 0 if self.groups == True: groups = [] for descriptor in descriptors: for group in descriptor.groups: if group not in groups: groups.append(group) print("\nGroups defined: ") for group in groups: print(" %s" % (group)) exit = 1 if self.modes == True: modes = [] for descriptor in descriptors: for mode in descriptor.modes: if mode not in modes: modes.append(mode) print("\nModes defined: ") for mode in modes: print(" %s" % (mode)) exit = 1 if self.requirements == True: requirements = [] for descriptor in descriptors: for requirement in descriptor.traceability: if requirement not in requirements: requirements.append(requirement) print("\nRequirements covered: ") for requirement in requirements: print(" %s" % (requirement)) exit = 1 if exit: return maxsize = 0 for descriptor in descriptors: if len( > maxsize: maxsize = len( maxsize = maxsize + 2 for descriptor in descriptors: if self.mode and not self.mode in descriptor.modes: continue padding = " " * (maxsize - len( if not self.full: print("%s:%s%s" % (, padding, descriptor.title)) else: print("==========================================") print(" " + print("==========================================") print(descriptor)
[docs]class ConsoleMakeTestHelper(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name=""): = name self.testId = None self.type = "auto" self.testdir = os.getcwd()
[docs] def printUsage(self): print("\nPySys System Test Framework (version %s): Console make test helper" % __version__) print("\nUsage: %s %s [option]+ [testid]" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), print(" where [option] includes;") print(" -h | --help print this message") print(" -a | --type STRING set the test type (auto or manual, default is auto)") print(" -d | --dir STRING base path to testcase (default is current working dir)") print("") print(" and where [testid] is the mandatory test identifier.") sys.exit()
[docs] def parseArgs(self, args): try: optlist, arguments = getopt.getopt(args, 'ha:d:', ["help","type=","dir="] ) except Exception: print("Error parsing command line arguments: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) self.printUsage() for option, value in optlist: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.printUsage() elif option in ("-a", "--type"): self.type = value if self.type not in ["auto", "manual"]: log.warn("Unsupported test type - valid types are auto and manual") sys.exit(1) elif option in ("-d", "--dir"): self.testdir = value if arguments == []: print("A valid string test id must be supplied") self.printUsage() else: self.testId = arguments[0] return self.testId
[docs] def makeTest(self, input=None, output=None, reference=None, descriptor=None, testclass=None, module=None, group="", constantsImport=None, basetestImport=None, basetest=None, teststring=None): if input==None: input = DEFAULT_INPUT if output==None: output = DEFAULT_OUTPUT if reference==None: reference = DEFAULT_REFERENCE if descriptor==None: descriptor = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR[0] if testclass==None: testclass = DEFAULT_TESTCLASS if module==None: module = DEFAULT_MODULE if constantsImport ==None: constantsImport = "from pysys.constants import *" if basetestImport == None: basetestImport = "from pysys.basetest import BaseTest" if basetest == None: basetest = "BaseTest""Creating testcase %s ..." % self.testId) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId))"Created directory %s" % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId)) except OSError:"Error creating testcase " + os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId) + " - directory already exists") return else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, input))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, input)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, output))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, output)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, reference))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, reference)) descriptor_fp = open(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, descriptor), "w") descriptor_fp.write(DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE %(self.type, group, testclass, module)) descriptor_fp.close()"Created descriptor %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, descriptor)) testclass_fp = open(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, "" % module), "w") if teststring == None: testclass_fp.write(TEST_TEMPLATE % (constantsImport, basetestImport, testclass, basetest)) else: testclass_fp.write(teststring) testclass_fp.close()"Created test class module %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, "" % module))
[docs]class ConsoleLaunchHelper(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, workingDir, name=""): self.workingDir = workingDir self.arguments = [] self.record = False self.purge = False self.type = None self.trace = None self.progress = False self.includes = [] self.excludes = [] self.cycle = 1 self.outsubdir = PLATFORM self.mode = None self.threads = 1 self.userOptions = {} self.descriptors = [] self.optionString = 'hrpyv:a:t:i:e:c:o:m:n:b:X:g' self.optionList = ["help","record","purge","verbosity=","type=","trace=","include=","exclude=","cycle=","outdir=","mode=","threads=", "abort=", 'validateOnly', 'progress']
[docs] def printUsage(self, printXOptions): print("\nPySys System Test Framework (version %s): Console run test helper" % __version__) print("\nUsage: %s %s [option]* [tests]*" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), print(" where [option] includes;") print(" -h | --help print this message") print(" -r | --record record the test results in the working directory") print(" -p | --purge purge the output subdirectory on test pass") print(" -v | --verbosity STRING set the verbosity level (CRIT, WARN, INFO, DEBUG)") print(" -a | --type STRING set the test type to run (auto or manual, default is both)") print(" -t | --trace STRING set the requirement id for the test run") print(" -i | --include STRING set the test groups to include (can be specified multiple times)") print(" -e | --exclude STRING set the test groups to exclude (can be specified multiple times)") print(" -c | --cycle INT set the the number of cycles to run the tests") print(" -o | --outdir STRING set the name of the test output subdirectory") print(" -m | --mode STRING set the user defined mode to run the tests") print(" -n | --threads INT set the number of worker threads to run the tests (defaults to 1). ") print(" A value of 0 sets to the number of available CPUs") print(" -g | --progress print progress updates after completion of each test (or set") print(" the PYSYS_PROGRESS=true environment variable)") print(" -b | --abort STRING set the default abort on error property (true|false, overrides ") print(" that specified in the project properties)") print(" -y | --validateOnly test the validate() method without re-running execute()") print(" -X KEY=VALUE set user defined options to be passed through to the test and ") print(" runner classes. The left hand side string is the data attribute ") print(" to set, the right hand side string the value (True of not specified) ") if printXOptions: printXOptions() print("") print(" and where [tests] describes a set of tests to be run. Note that multiple test sets can be specified, ") print(" where none are given all available tests will be run. If an include group is given, only tests that ") print(" belong to that group will be run. If an exclude group is given, tests in the group will not be run. ") print(" Tests should contain only alphanumeric and the underscore characters. The following syntax is used ") print(" to select a test set;") print("") print(" test1 - a single testcase with id test1") print(" :test2 - up to testcase with id test2") print(" test1: - from testcase with id test1 onwards") print(" test1:test2 - all tests between tests with ids test1 and test2") print(" test1 test 2 test5:test9 - test1, test2 and all tests between test5 and test9") print(" ^test* - all tests matching the regex ^test*") print("") print(" e.g. ") print(" %s -vDEBUG --include MYTESTS test1:test4 test7" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) print(" %s -c2 -Xhost=localhost test1:" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) print("") sys.exit()
[docs] def parseArgs(self, args, printXOptions=None): try: optlist, self.arguments = getopt.getopt(args, self.optionString, self.optionList) except Exception: log.warn("Error parsing command line arguments: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) sys.exit(1) for option, value in optlist: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.printUsage(printXOptions) elif option in ("-r", "--record"): self.record = True elif option in ("-p", "--purge"): self.purge = True elif option in ("-v", "--verbosity"): self.verbosity = value if self.verbosity.upper() == "DEBUG": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif self.verbosity.upper() == "INFO": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif self.verbosity.upper() == "WARN": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.WARN) elif self.verbosity.upper() == "CRIT": stdoutHandler.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) elif option in ("-a", "--type"): self.type = value if self.type not in ["auto", "manual"]: log.warn("Unsupported test type - valid types are auto and manual") sys.exit(1) elif option in ("-t", "--trace"): self.trace = value elif option in ("-i", "--include"): self.includes.append(value) elif option in ("-e", "--exclude"): self.excludes.append(value) elif option in ("-c", "--cycle"): try: self.cycle = int(value) except Exception: print("Error parsing command line arguments: A valid integer for the number of cycles must be supplied") self.printUsage(printXOptions) elif option in ("-o", "--outdir"): self.outsubdir = value elif option in ("-m", "--mode"): self.mode = value elif option in ("-n", "--threads"): try: self.threads = int(value) except Exception: print("Error parsing command line arguments: A valid integer for the number of threads must be supplied") self.printUsage(printXOptions) elif option in ("-b", "--abort"): setattr(PROJECT, 'defaultAbortOnError', str(value.lower()=='true')) elif option in ["-g", "--progress"]: self.progress = True elif option in ["-X"]: if is not None: self.userOptions[value.split('=')[0]] = value.split('=')[1] if is not None: self.userOptions[value] = True elif option in ("-y", "--validateOnly"): self.userOptions['validateOnly'] = True if os.getenv('PYSYS_PROGRESS','').lower()=='true': self.progress = True self.userOptions['__progressWritersEnabled'] = self.progress descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, self.type, self.includes, self.excludes, self.trace, self.workingDir) # No exception handler above, as any createDescriptors failure is really a fatal problem that should cause us to # terminate with a non-zero exit code; we don't want to run no tests without realizing it and return success return self.record, self.purge, self.cycle, self.mode, self.threads, self.outsubdir, descriptors, self.userOptions
[docs]def printUsage(): sys.stdout.write("\nPySys System Test Framework (version %s on Python %s.%s.%s)\n" % ( __version__, sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2])) sys.stdout.write("\nUsage: %s [mode] [option]* { [tests]* | [testId] }\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) sys.stdout.write(" where [mode] can be;\n") sys.stdout.write(" run - run a set of tests rooted from the current working directory\n") sys.stdout.write(" make - make a new testcase directory structure in the current working directory\n") sys.stdout.write(" print - print details of a set of tests rooted from the current working directory\n") sys.stdout.write(" clean - clean the output subdirectories of tests rooted from the current working directory\n") sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.write(" For more information on the options available to each mode, use the -h | --help option, e.g.\n") sys.stdout.write(" %s run --help\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit()
[docs]def runTest(args): try: launcher = ConsoleLaunchHelper(os.getcwd(), "run") args = launcher.parseArgs(args) module = import_module(PROJECT.runnerModule, sys.path) runner = getattr(module, PROJECT.runnerClassname)(*args) runner.start() for cycledict in runner.results.values(): for outcome in FAILS: if cycledict.get(outcome, None): sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('\nWARN: %s\n' % e) sys.exit(-1)
[docs]def printTest(args): try: printer = ConsolePrintHelper(os.getcwd(), "print") printer.parseArgs(args) printer.printTests() except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('\nWARN: %s\n\n' % e)
[docs]def makeTest(args): module = import_module(PROJECT.makerModule, sys.path) maker = getattr(module, PROJECT.makerClassname)("make") maker.parseArgs(args) maker.makeTest()
[docs]def cleanTest(args): cleaner = ConsoleCleanTestHelper(os.getcwd(), "clean") cleaner.parseArgs(args) cleaner.clean()
[docs]def main(args): if len(args) < 1: printUsage() else: mode = args[0] if mode == "run": runTest(args[1:]) elif mode == "make": makeTest(args[1:]) elif mode == "print": printTest(args[1:]) elif mode == "clean": cleanTest(args[1:]) else: printUsage()