Source code for pysys.basetest

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2018  M.B.Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

# Contact:
Contains the base test class for test execution and validation. 

For more information see the L{pysys.basetest.BaseTest} API documentation. 

import os.path, time, threading, logging

from pysys import log
from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.exceptions import *
from pysys.utils.filegrep import filegrep
from pysys.utils.filegrep import lastgrep
from pysys.utils.filediff import filediff
from pysys.utils.filegrep import orderedgrep
from pysys.utils.linecount import linecount
from pysys.process.monitor import ProcessMonitor
from pysys.manual.ui import ManualTester
from pysys.process.user import ProcessUser
from pysys.utils.pycompat import *


class %s(%s):
	def execute(self):

	def validate(self):

[docs]class BaseTest(ProcessUser): """The base class for all PySys testcases. BaseTest is the parent class of all PySys system testcases. The class provides utility functions for cross-platform process management and manipulation, test timing, and test validation. Any PySys testcase should inherit from the base test and provide an implementation of the abstract L{execute} method defined in this class. Child classes can also overide the L{setup}, L{cleanup} and L{validate} methods of the class to provide custom setup and cleanup actions for a particual test, and to perform all validation steps in a single method should this prove logically more simple. Execution of a PySys testcase is performed through an instance of the L{pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner} class, or a subclass thereof. The base runner instantiates an instance of the testcase, and then calls the C{setup}, C{execute}, C{validate} and C{cleanup} methods of the instance. All processes started during the test execution are reference counted within the base test, and terminated within the C{cleanup} method. Validation of the testcase is through the C{assert*} methods. Execution of many methods appends an outcome to the outcome data structure maintained by the ProcessUser base class, thus building up a record of the individual validation outcomes. Several potential outcomes are supported by the PySys framework (C{SKIPPED}, C{BLOCKED}, C{DUMPEDCORE}, C{TIMEDOUT}, C{FAILED}, C{NOTVERIFIED}, and C{PASSED}) and the overall outcome of the testcase is determined using aprecedence order of the individual outcomes. All C{assert*} methods except for C{assertThat} support variable argument lists for common non-default parameters. Currently this includes the C{assertMessage} parameter, to override the default statement logged by the framework to stdout and the run log, and the C{abortOnError} parameter, to override the defaultAbortOnError project setting. @ivar mode: The user defined mode the test is running within. Subclasses can use this in conditional checks to modify the test execution based upon the mode. @type mode: string @ivar input: Full path to the input directory of the testcase. This is used both by the class and its subclasses to locate the default directory containing all input data to the testcase, as defined in the testcase descriptor. @type input: string @ivar output: Full path to the output sub-directory of the testcase. This is used both by the class and its subclasses to locate the default directory for output produced by the testcase. Note that this is the actual directory where all output is written, as modified from that defined in the testcase descriptor to accomodate for the sub-directory used within this location to sandbox concurrent execution of the test, and/or to denote the run number. @type output: string @ivar reference: Full path to the reference directory of the testcase. This is used both by the class and its subclasses to locate the default directory containing all reference data to the testcase, as defined in the testcase descriptor. @type reference: string @ivar log: Reference to the logger instance of this class @type log: logging.Logger @ivar project: Reference to the project details as set on the module load of the launching executable @type project: L{Project} """
[docs] def __init__ (self, descriptor, outsubdir, runner): """Create an instance of the BaseTest class. @param descriptor: The descriptor for the test giving all test details @param outsubdir: The output subdirectory the test output will be written to @param runner: Reference to the runner responsable for executing the testcase """ ProcessUser.__init__(self) self.descriptor = descriptor self.input = descriptor.input self.output = os.path.join(descriptor.output, outsubdir) self.reference = descriptor.reference self.runner = runner self.mode = runner.mode self.setKeywordArgs(runner.xargs) self.monitorList = [] self.manualTester = None self.resources = []
[docs] def setKeywordArgs(self, xargs): """Set the xargs as data attributes of the test class. Values in the xargs dictionary are set as data attributes using the builtin C{setattr} method. Thus an xargs dictionary of the form C{{'foo': 'bar'}} will result in a data attribute of the form C{} with C{value bar}. This is used so that subclasses can define default values of data attributes, which can be overriden on instantiation e.g. using the -X options to the launch executable. @param xargs: A dictionary of the user defined extra arguments """ for key in list(xargs.keys()): setattr(self, key, xargs[key])
# test methods for execution, validation and cleanup. The execute method is # abstract and must be implemented by a subclass.
[docs] def setup(self): """Setup method which may optionally be overridden to perform custom setup operations prior to test execution. """ pass
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute method which must be overridden to perform the test execution steps. @raises NotImplementedError: Raised exeception should the method not be overridden """ raise NotImplementedError("The execute method of the BaseTest class must be implemented in a subclass")
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate method which may optionally be overridden to group all validation steps. """ pass
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Cleanup method which performs cleanup actions after execution and validation of the test. The cleanup method performs actions to stop all processes started in the background and not explicitly killed during the test execution. It also stops all process monitors running in separate threads, and any instances of the manual tester user interface. Should a custom cleanup for a subclass be required, use L{addCleanupFunction} instead of overriding this method. """ try: if self.manualTester and self.manualTester.running(): self.stopManualTester() for monitor in self.monitorList: if monitor.running(): monitor.stop() while len(self.resources) > 0: self.resources.pop() finally: ProcessUser.cleanup(self)
[docs] def addResource(self, resource): """Add a resource which is owned by the test and is therefore cleaned up (deleted) when the test is cleaned up. Deprecated - please use addCleanupFunction instead of this function. """ self.resources.append(resource)
[docs] def startProcessMonitor(self, process, interval, file, **kwargs): """Start a separate thread to log process statistics to logfile, and return a handle to the process monitor. This method uses the L{pysys.process.monitor} module to perform logging of the process statistics, starting the monitor as a seperate background thread. Should the request to log the statistics fail a C{BLOCKED} outcome will be added to the test outcome list. All process monitors not explicitly stopped using the returned handle are automatically stopped on completion of the test via the L{cleanup} method of the BaseTest. @param process: The process handle returned from the L{startProcess} method @param interval: The interval in seconds between collecting and logging the process statistics @param file: The path to the filename used for logging the process statistics @param kwargs: Keyword arguments to allow platform specific configurations @return: A handle to the process monitor (L{pysys.process.monitor.ProcessMonitor}) @rtype: handle """ if isstring(file): file = os.path.join(self.output, file) monitor = ProcessMonitor(, interval, file, **kwargs) try:"Starting process monitor on process with id = %d", monitor.start() except ProcessError as e: self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Unable to start process monitor for %s: %s'%(process, e)) else: self.monitorList.append(monitor) return monitor
[docs] def stopProcessMonitor(self, monitor): """Stop a process monitor. @param monitor: The process monitor handle returned from the L{startProcessMonitor} method """ if monitor.running: monitor.stop()
# methods to control the manual tester user interface
[docs] def startManualTester(self, file, filedir=None, state=FOREGROUND, timeout=TIMEOUTS['ManualTester']): """Start the manual tester. The manual tester user interface (UI) is used to describe a series of manual steps to be performed to execute and validate a test. Only a single instance of the UI can be running at any given time, and can be run either in the C{FOREGROUND} (method will not return until the UI is closed or the timeout occurs) or in the C{BACKGROUND} (method will return straight away so automated actions may be performed concurrently). Should the UI be terminated due to expiry of the timeout, a C{TIMEDOUT} outcome will be added to the outcome list. The UI can be stopped via the L{stopManualTester} method. An instance of the UI not explicitly stopped within a test will automatically be stopped via the L{cleanup} method of the BaseTest. @param file: The name of the manual test xml input file (see L{pysys.xml.manual} for details on the DTD) @param filedir: The directory containing the manual test xml input file (defaults to the output subdirectory) @param state: Start the manual tester either in the C{FOREGROUND} or C{BACKGROUND} (defaults to C{FOREGROUND}) @param timeout: The timeout period after which to termintate a manual tester running in the C{FOREGROUND} """ if filedir is None: filedir = self.input if not self.manualTester or self.manualTester.running() == 0: self.manualTester = ManualTester(self, os.path.join(filedir, file)) t = threading.Thread(target=self.manualTester.start, name=self.__class__.__name__+'.manualtester') t.start() if state == FOREGROUND: startTime = time.time() while self.manualTester.running() == 1: currentTime = time.time() if currentTime > startTime + timeout: self.addOutcome(TIMEDOUT, 'Manual tester timed out') self.manualTester.stop() return time.sleep(1) else: time.sleep(1) else: self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Manual tester failed')
[docs] def stopManualTester(self): """Stop the manual tester if running. """ if self.manualTester and self.manualTester.running(): self.manualTester.stop() time.sleep(1) else: self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Manual tester could not be stopped')
[docs] def waitManualTester(self, timeout=TIMEOUTS['ManualTester']): """Wait for the manual tester to be stopped via user interaction. """ if self.manualTester and self.manualTester.running(): startTime = time.time() while self.manualTester.running() == 1: currentTime = time.time() if currentTime > startTime + timeout: self.addOutcome(TIMEDOUT, 'Timed out waiting for manual tester') self.manualTester.stop() return time.sleep(1)
# test timing methods. These allow control flow of the test to be set # on various conditions i.e. a socket becoming available for connections, # a file to exist etc
[docs] def wait(self, interval): """Wait for a specified period of time. @param interval: The time interval in seconds to wait """'Waiting for %0.1f seconds'%interval) time.sleep(interval)
# test validation methods.
[docs] def assertThat(self, conditionstring, *args): """Perform a validation based on a python eval string. The eval string should be specified as a format string, with zero or more %s-style arguments. This provides an easy way to check conditions that also produces clear outcome messages. The safest way to pass arbitrary arguments of type string is to use the repr() function to add appropriate quotes and escaping. e.g. self.assertThat('%d >= 5 or %s=="foobar"', myvalue, repr(mystringvalue)) @param conditionstring: A string will have any following args substituted into it and then be evaluated as a boolean python expression. @param args: Zero or more arguments to be substituted into the format string """ try: expr = conditionstring if args: expr = expr % args result = bool(eval(expr)) except Exception as e: self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Failed to evaluate "%s" with args %r: %s'%(conditionstring, args, e)) return if result: self.addOutcome(PASSED, 'Assertion on %s'%expr) else: self.addOutcome(FAILED, 'Assertion on %s'%expr)
[docs] def assertTrue(self, expr, **xargs): """Perform a validation assert on the supplied expression evaluating to true. If the supplied expression evaluates to true a C{PASSED} outcome is added to the outcome list. Should the expression evaluate to false, a C{FAILED} outcome is added. @param expr: The expression, as a boolean, to check for the True | False value @param xargs: Variable argument list (see class description for supported parameters) """ msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Assertion on boolean expression equal to true') if expr == True: self.addOutcome(PASSED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: self.addOutcome(FAILED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs))
[docs] def assertFalse(self, expr, **xargs): """Perform a validation assert on the supplied expression evaluating to false. If the supplied expression evaluates to false a C{PASSED} outcome is added to the outcome list. Should the expression evaluate to true, a C{FAILED} outcome is added. @param expr: The expression to check for the true | false value @param xargs: Variable argument list (see class description for supported parameters) """ msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Assertion on boolean expression equal to false') if expr == False: self.addOutcome(PASSED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: self.addOutcome(FAILED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs))
[docs] def assertDiff(self, file1, file2, filedir1=None, filedir2=None, ignores=[], sort=False, replace=[], includes=[], encoding=None, **xargs): """Perform a validation assert on the comparison of two input text files. This method performs a file comparison on two input files. The files are pre-processed prior to the comparison to either ignore particular lines, sort their constituent lines, replace matches to regular expressions in a line with an alternate value, or to only include particular lines. Should the files after pre-processing be equivalent a C{PASSED} outcome is added to the test outcome list, otherwise a C{FAILED} outcome is added. @param file1: The basename of the first file used in the file comparison @param file2: The basename of the second file used in the file comparison (often a reference file) @param filedir1: The dirname of the first file (defaults to the testcase output subdirectory) @param filedir2: The dirname of the second file (defaults to the testcase reference directory) @param ignores: A list of regular expressions used to denote lines in the files which should be ignored @param sort: Boolean flag to indicate if the lines in the files should be sorted prior to the comparison @param replace: List of tuples of the form ('regexpr', 'replacement'). For each regular expression in the list, any occurences in the files is replaced with the replacement value prior to the comparison being carried out. This is often useful to replace timestamps in logfiles etc. @param includes: A list of regular expressions used to denote lines in the files which should be used in the comparison. Only lines which match an expression in the list are used for the comparison @param encoding: The encoding to use to open the file. The default value is None which indicates that the decision will be delegated to the L{getDefaultFileEncoding()} method. @param xargs: Variable argument list (see class description for supported parameters) """ if filedir1 is None: filedir1 = self.output if filedir2 is None: filedir2 = self.reference f1 = os.path.join(filedir1, file1) f2 = os.path.join(filedir2, file2) log.debug("Performing file comparison:") log.debug(" file1: %s" % file1) log.debug(" filedir1: %s" % filedir1) log.debug(" file2: %s" % file2) log.debug(" filedir2: %s" % filedir2) msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'File comparison between %s and %s'%(file1, file2)) unifiedDiffOutput=os.path.join(self.output, os.path.basename(f1)+'.diff') result = False try: result = filediff(f1, f2, ignores, sort, replace, includes, unifiedDiffOutput=unifiedDiffOutput, encoding=encoding or self.getDefaultFileEncoding(f1)) except Exception: log.warn("caught %s: %s", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=1) self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, '%s failed due to %s: %s'%(msg, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: try: self.addOutcome(PASSED if result else FAILED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) finally: if not result: self.logFileContents(unifiedDiffOutput, encoding=encoding or self.getDefaultFileEncoding(f1))
[docs] def assertGrep(self, file, filedir=None, expr='', contains=True, ignores=None, literal=False, encoding=None, **xargs): """Perform a validation assert on a regular expression occurring in a text file. When the C{contains} input argument is set to true, this method will add a C{PASSED} outcome to the test outcome list if the supplied regular expression is seen in the file; otherwise a C{FAILED} outcome is added. Should C{contains} be set to false, a C{PASSED} outcome will only be added should the regular expression not be seen in the file. @param file: The basename of the file used in the grep @param filedir: The dirname of the file (defaults to the testcase output subdirectory) @param expr: The regular expression to check for in the file (or a string literal if literal=True). If the match fails, the matching regex will be reported as the test outcome @param contains: Boolean flag to denote if the expression should or should not be seen in the file @param ignores: Optional list of regular expressions that will be ignored when reading the file. @param literal: By default expr is treated as a regex, but set this to True to pass in a string literal instead @param encoding: The encoding to use to open the file. The default value is None which indicates that the decision will be delegated to the L{getDefaultFileEncoding()} method. @param xargs: Variable argument list (see class description for supported parameters) """ if filedir is None: filedir = self.output f = os.path.join(filedir, file) if literal: def escapeRegex(expr): # use our own escaping as re.escape makes the string unreadable regex = expr expr = '' for c in regex: if c in '\\{}[]+?^$': expr += '\\'+c elif c in '().*/': expr += '['+c+']' # more readable else: expr += c return expr expr = escapeRegex(expr) log.debug("Performing grep on file:") log.debug(" file: %s" % file) log.debug(" filedir: %s" % filedir) log.debug(" expr: %s" % expr) log.debug(" contains: %s" % LOOKUP[contains]) try: result = filegrep(f, expr, ignores=ignores, returnMatch=True, encoding=encoding or self.getDefaultFileEncoding(f)) except Exception: log.warn("caught %s: %s", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=1) msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Grep on %s %s %s'%(file, 'contains' if contains else 'does not contain', quotestring(expr) )) self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, '%s failed due to %s: %s'%(msg, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: # short message if it succeeded, more verbose one if it failed to help you understand why, # including the expression it found that should not have been there outcome = PASSED if (result!=None) == contains else FAILED if outcome == PASSED: msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Grep on input file %s' % file) else: msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Grep on %s %s %s'%(file, 'contains' if contains else 'does not contain', quotestring( if result else expr) )) self.addOutcome(outcome, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs))
[docs] def assertLastGrep(self, file, filedir=None, expr='', contains=True, ignores=[], includes=[], encoding=None, **xargs): """Perform a validation assert on a regular expression occurring in the last line of a text file. When the C{contains} input argument is set to true, this method will add a C{PASSED} outcome to the test outcome list if the supplied regular expression is seen in the file; otherwise a C{FAILED} outcome is added. Should C{contains} be set to false, a C{PASSED} outcome will only be added should the regular expression not be seen in the file. @param file: The basename of the file used in the grep @param filedir: The dirname of the file (defaults to the testcase output subdirectory) @param expr: The regular expression to check for in the last line of the file @param contains: Boolean flag to denote if the expression should or should not be seen in the file @param ignores: A list of regular expressions used to denote lines in the file which should be ignored @param includes: A list of regular expressions used to denote lines in the file which should be used in the assertion.# @param encoding: The encoding to use to open the file. The default value is None which indicates that the decision will be delegated to the L{getDefaultFileEncoding()} method. @param xargs: Variable argument list (see class description for supported parameters) """ if filedir is None: filedir = self.output f = os.path.join(filedir, file) log.debug("Performing grep on file:") log.debug(" file: %s" % file) log.debug(" filedir: %s" % filedir) log.debug(" expr: %s" % expr) log.debug(" contains: %s" % LOOKUP[contains]) msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Grep on last line of %s %s %s'%(file, 'contains' if contains else 'not contains', quotestring(expr))) try: result = lastgrep(f, expr, ignores, includes, encoding=encoding or self.getDefaultFileEncoding(f)) == contains except Exception: log.warn("caught %s: %s", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=1) self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, '%s failed due to %s: %s'%(msg, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: if result: msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Grep on input file %s' % file) self.addOutcome(PASSED if result else FAILED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs))
[docs] def assertOrderedGrep(self, file, filedir=None, exprList=[], contains=True, encoding=None, **xargs): """Perform a validation assert on a list of regular expressions occurring in specified order in a text file. When the C{contains} input argument is set to true, this method will append a C{PASSED} outcome to the test outcome list if the supplied regular expressions in the C{exprList} are seen in the file in the order they appear in the list; otherwise a C{FAILED} outcome is added. Should C{contains} be set to false, a C{PASSED} outcome will only be added should the regular expressions not be seen in the file in the order they appear in the list. @param file: The basename of the file used in the ordered grep @param filedir: The dirname of the file (defaults to the testcase output subdirectory) @param exprList: A list of regular expressions which should occur in the file in the order they appear in the list @param contains: Boolean flag to denote if the expressions should or should not be seen in the file in the order specified @param encoding: The encoding to use to open the file. The default value is None which indicates that the decision will be delegated to the L{getDefaultFileEncoding()} method. @param xargs: Variable argument list (see class description for supported parameters) """ if filedir is None: filedir = self.output f = os.path.join(filedir, file) log.debug("Performing ordered grep on file:") log.debug(" file: %s" % file) log.debug(" filedir: %s" % filedir) for expr in exprList: log.debug(" exprList: %s" % expr) log.debug(" contains: %s" % LOOKUP[contains]) msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Ordered grep on input file %s' % file) expr = None try: expr = orderedgrep(f, exprList, encoding=encoding or self.getDefaultFileEncoding(f)) except Exception: log.warn("caught %s: %s", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=1) self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, '%s failed due to %s: %s'%(msg, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: if expr is None and contains: result = PASSED elif expr is None and not contains: result = FAILED elif expr is not None and not contains: result = PASSED else: result = FAILED if result == FAILED and expr: msg += ' failed on expression \"%s\"'% expr self.addOutcome(result, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs))
[docs] def assertLineCount(self, file, filedir=None, expr='', condition=">=1", ignores=None, encoding=None, **xargs): """Perform a validation assert on the number of lines in a text file matching a specific regular expression. This method will add a C{PASSED} outcome to the outcome list if the number of lines in the input file matching the specified regular expression evaluate to true when evaluated against the supplied condition. @param file: The basename of the file used in the line count @param filedir: The dirname of the file (defaults to the testcase output subdirectory) @param expr: The regular expression string used to match a line of the input file @param condition: The condition to be met for the number of lines matching the regular expression @param ignores: A list of regular expressions that will cause lines to be excluded from the count @param encoding: The encoding to use to open the file. The default value is None which indicates that the decision will be delegated to the L{getDefaultFileEncoding()} method. @param xargs: Variable argument list (see class description for supported parameters) """ if filedir is None: filedir = self.output f = os.path.join(filedir, file) try: numberLines = linecount(f, expr, ignores=ignores, encoding=encoding or self.getDefaultFileEncoding(f)) log.debug("Number of matching lines is %d"%numberLines) except Exception: log.warn("caught %s: %s", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=1) msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Line count on %s for %s%s '%(file, quotestring(expr), condition)) self.addOutcome(BLOCKED, '%s failed due to %s: %s'%(msg, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: if (eval("%d %s" % (numberLines, condition))): msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Line count on input file %s' % file) self.addOutcome(PASSED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs)) else: msg = self.__assertMsg(xargs, 'Line count on %s for %s%s (actual =%d) '%(file, quotestring(expr), condition, numberLines)) self.addOutcome(FAILED, msg, abortOnError=self.__abortOnError(xargs))
def __assertMsg(self, xargs, default): """Return an assert statement requested to override the default value. @param xargs: Variable argument list to an assert method @param default: Default assert statement to return if a parameter is not supplied """ if 'assertMessage' in xargs: msg = xargs['assertMessage'] else: msg = default if PY2 and isinstance(msg, str): # The python2 logger is very unhappy about byte str objects containing # non-ascii characters (specifically it will fail to log them and dump a # traceback on stderr). Since it's pretty important that assertion # messages and test outcome reasons don't get swallowed, add a # workaround for this here. Not a problem in python 3. msg = msg.decode('ascii', errors='replace') return msg def __abortOnError(self, xargs): """Return an assert statement requested to override the default value. @param xargs: Variable argument list to an assert method """ if 'abortOnError' in xargs: return xargs['abortOnError'] return PROJECT.defaultAbortOnError.lower()=='true' if hasattr(PROJECT, 'defaultAbortOnError') else DEFAULT_ABORT_ON_ERROR
[docs] def reportPerformanceResult(self, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs=None, resultDetails=None): """ Reports a new performance result, with an associated unique key that identifies it for comparison purposes. Where possible it is better to report the rate at which an operation can be performed (e.g. throughput) rather than the total time taken, since this allows the number of iterations to be increased . @param value: The value to be reported. Usually this is a float or integer, but string is also permitted. @param resultKey: A unique string that fully identifies what was measured, which will be used to compare results from different test runs. For example "HTTP transport message sending throughput using with 3 connections". The resultKey must be unique across all test cases and modes. It should be fully self-describing (without the need to look up extra information such as the associated testId). Do not include the test id or units in the resultKey string. It must be stable across different runs, so cannot contain process identifiers, date/times or other numbers that will vary. If possible resultKeys should be written so that related results will be together when all performance results are sorted by resultKey, which usually means putting general information near the start of the string and specifics (throughput/latency, sending/receiving) towards the end of the string. It should be as concise as possible (given the above). @param unit: Identifies the unit the the value is measured in, including whether bigger numbers are better or worse (used to determine improvement or regression). Must be an instance of L{pysys.utils.perfreporter.PerformanceUnit}. In most cases, use L{pysys.utils.perfreporter.PerformanceUnit.SECONDS} (e.g. for latency) or L{pysys.utils.perfreporter.PerformanceUnit.PER_SECOND} (e.g. for throughput); the string literals 's' and '/s' can be used as a shorthand for those PerformanceUnit instances. @param toleranceStdDevs: (optional) A float that indicates how many standard deviations away from the mean a result needs to be to be considered a regression. @param resultDetails: (optional) A dictionary of detailed information about this specific result and/or test that should be recorded together with the result, for example information about what mode the test is running in. """ for p in self.runner.performanceReporters: p.reportResult(self, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs=toleranceStdDevs, resultDetails=resultDetails)