Apama 10.2 | Apama Documentation | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The HTTP Server Transport Connectivity Plug-in | HTTP server status
HTTP server status
When using Software AG Command Central to manage your correlator, status values can be added as components and monitored as KPIs.
The HTTP server component provides status values via the user status mechanism. It provides the following metrics (where httpServer is the manager name):
Moves from STARTING to ONLINE when hostReady is called.
Number of requests resulting in events being sent to the correlator. This is the primary KPI for this component.
Number of non-2xx responses sent to clients. This is expected to be 0 and is a KPI with a warning threshold at 1.
Number of static files served to clients. This is a KPI.
Number of requests with invalid credentials. This KPI is not shown in Command Central by default. It has a warning threshold at 1.
See also Monitoring the KPIs for EPL applications and connectivity plug-ins.

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