Apama 10.2 | Apama Documentation | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.0 | Miscellaneous enhancements and changes in 10.0
Miscellaneous enhancements and changes in 10.0
Apama 10.0 includes the following miscellaneous enhancements and changes:
*When using the IAF-based CSV codec plug-in (JCSVCodec), you can now enable Excel compatibility mode by setting the new excelCompatible property to true in the IAF configuration file. Double quotes are then used to match the behavior of Excel. By default, this new property is set to false. See also The CSV codec IAF plug-in.
In addition, you can also enable Excel compatibility mode when sending a configuration event from the transport that is communicating with the CSV codec using the method described in Multiple configurations and the CSV codec.
*The REST API now also supports the /info/stats URI for the correlator and the IAF. It provides access to the same information as the /correlator/status and /iaf/status URIs. Previously, the /info/stats URI was only available for dashboard data servers and display servers. See also Managing and Monitoring over REST.
*The new method GenericComponentInfo.getDataValue() has been added to the Apama API for Java. Using this method, you can easily look up a value from a GenericComponentManagement information category that has unique keys (that is, dictionary content) without having to iterate through every item. See the API Reference for Java (Javadoc) for further information.
*For applications that report status to Command Central, the recommended values for the ".status" key are now STARTING, ONLINE or FAILED (instead of ONLINE and OFFLINE, although OFFLINE is still permitted for legacy applications). See also Monitoring the KPIs for EPL applications and connectivity plug-ins.
*A title can now be provided when generating ApamaDoc from an Ant script or from Software AG Designer. See also Generating ApamaDoc from an Ant script and Exporting ApamaDoc.
*The ATM Fraud queries sample has been moved to the demos folder of the Apama installation, and it is now available as a demo from the Welcome page. With previous versions, it was located in the samples\queries\ATM_Fraud_Sample folder.
*The demos and samples have been updated to use EPL instead of scenarios. Keep in mind that the Event Modeler is deprecated and that support for creating and deploying scenarios will be removed in a future release (see also Removed and deprecated features in 9.12).

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