Apama Connectivity For Cumulocity IoT  10.1 | Apama Connectivity For Cumulocity IoT Documentation 10.1 | Installing Apama Connectivity with Cumulocity IoT | Installation
*Download the ApamaConnectivityForCumulocityIoT_version_ALL.zip from Software AG Empower Product Support website. See Online Information.
*Extract the Apama Connectivity with Cumulocity IoT zip file to ${APAMA_HOME}/connectivity. The installation is successful, if you can find the ApamaConnectivityForCumulocityIoT-version.txt file at ${APAMA_HOME}/connectivity.
*All the monitors, libraries, documents, bundles, samples are placed in the respective folders.
*bundles folder includes
*The Cumulocity folder which includes Cumulocity.yaml and Cumulocity-credentials.properties
*C8Y Event Definitions.bnd
*C8Y Transport.bnd
*doc folder includes
*Cumulocity folder which includes ApamaDoc
*lib folder includes
*Cumulocity folder which includes all dependant third party libraries
*monitors folder includes
*Samples folder includes Cumulocity folder which includes sample projects

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