Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.1 Documentation : Capital Markets Foundation : Order Management : Risk firewall : Configuring risk firewall instances : Descriptions of DataViews exposed by risk firewalls
Descriptions of DataViews exposed by risk firewalls
A risk firewall exposes the following DataViews:
*RiskFirewallDataview — For each risk firewall that has been created in this correlator, this DataView contains
*The name of the risk firewall
*A string representation of the risk firewall parameters object
*An indication of whether the risk firewall is locked
*FirewallRuleDefinitionDataView — For all rules registered with all risk firewalls in this correlator, this DataView contains
*The name of the risk firewall
*The name of the rule class
*The description of the rule class
*A string representation of the parameter schema (com.apama.utils.ParamsSchema) for this rule class
*The priority of the rule class
*AllRuleClassInstances — This DataView is exposed by the MemoryStore table that contains entries for all rule class instances for all risk firewalls in this correlator. This DataView contains
*The name of the risk firewall
*The name of the rule class
*The Id of the rule instance
*A string representation of rule instance's configuration
*OrderOperationCache — This DataView is exposed by the MemoryStore table that contains entries for the order operation cache, which contains information for each failed order operation that has gone through any risk firewall in this correlator. This DataView contains extensive information for each failed order operation, including risk firewall name, rule class name, query request Id, rule instance Id, order operation type, and much much more. The entries in the order operation cache, and hence in the MemoryStore table, are recovered upon correlator re-start and automatically purged according to the settings of these parameters:
If you set values for these parameters, you must do so in the risk firewall factory before you create the risk firewall. For a risk firewall instance, you cannot change the value for one of these parameters after you create the instance. For details, see Descriptions of risk firewall configuration parameters.
The order operation cache can get very large. If rows are not deleted either through automatic purging or by invoking RiskFirewall.clearObjection() then the cache contains all failed order operations that have entered a risk firewall in this correlator. Order operation cache content is persisted between correlator re-starts.
By default, there is no auto-purging of the order operation cache. An alternative to auto-purging is to manually remove information for failed operations by invoking the RiskFirewall.clearObjection() action. This action takes two parameters, the name of the rule class that generated the objection and the request Id of the objected-to operation. You can obtain the request Id from the OrderOperationCache DataView.
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