Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.1 Documentation : Algorithmic Trading Accelerator (deprecated) : Running the ATA Samples
Running the ATA Samples
Starting and stopping the ATA demo
Subscribing to symbol sets
Using the Order Management System
Using Algorithmic Trading strategies
Using risk firewalls
Using market test scenarios
The ATA includes algorithmic trading strategies that are injected into an Apama correlator, and an Apama dashboard that supports trading, displays information about the strategies, and allows you to configure firewall rules. Included scripts allow you to start the runtime pieces and demonstrate ATA capabilities.
You can run ATA on a single machine, or you can run the correlator on one machine and run multiple dashboards that connect to it remotely. You might do this for example, if you wanted to install the correlator on a machine running Linux. The dashboards must be run on Windows machines.
Before you can run ATA, you must install and configure Apama and the CMF as described in Capital Markets Foundation.
The CMF installation makes it easy to run the pre-defined ATA immediately on the local machine.
The ATA is copied into the %APAMA_WORK% directory during installation and run from there.
Then, in Developing and Deploying Custom ATA Applications, you see how to import the projects into Software AG Designer, so you can define, test, and deploy your custom ATA.
The following table lists the scripts (located in ATA's installation directory %APAMA_WORK%/ATA_{version}) for starting and stopping the demo or the correlator and dashboard separately:
Batch and sh file
Ant script
One command that:
*Builds the project
*Starts the correlator
*Starts the trade simulator
*Starts the Administrative dashboard
*ant start-demo
*ant start
Starts the correlator.
ant start-server
Starts the Administrative dashboard.
startClient (.bat only, no equivalent on Linux)
ant start-client
Shuts down the correlator and trade simulator.
ant stop
Stops only the correlator.
ant stop-server
Creates a deployment WAR which can be used to deploy the ATA using a Web Application Service. See Deploying the ATA to a web application server for usage information.
deploy (.bat only, no equivalent on Linux)
ant deploy
Prints a list of ant targets.
ant usage
Prints a list of ant targets.
ant help
Deletes log files and cleans up deployed strategies.
ant clean
Deletes log files.
ant clean-logs
Archives log files in a zip file in the ATA directory and deletes all log files from the log folder. The zip file suffix includes the date and time. For example, log_20120420_103921.zip. The correlators must be stopped before you run this command.
ant archive-logs
The following sections describe how to start and stop the ATA demo and walk through the available features and panels in the Algorithmic Trading dashboard. Later chapters describe how to set up users and customize ATA.
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