Apama 10.1 | Apama Documentation | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in Java | Overview of Apama JMon Applications
Overview of Apama JMon Applications
Introducing JMon API concepts
About event types
About monitors
About event listeners and match listeners
Description of the flow of execution in JMon applications
Parallel processing in JMon applications
Identifying external events
Optimizing event types
Logging in JMon applications
Using EPL keywords as identifiers in JMon applications
The correlator is Apama's core event processing and correlation engine. Interfaces to the correlator let you inject monitors that
*Analyze incoming event streams to find patterns of interest
*Specify the actions to undertake when the correlator identifies such patterns
You can use the Apama JMon API to write applications that are to be deployed on the correlator.
The correlator embeds a Java Virtual Machine in which Apama JMon applications can be loaded and run.
The JMon API provides a suite of Java classes that allow a developer to build a Java application, and then inject it into the correlator. Apama JMon applications can define listeners, which specify patterns and sequences of events to look for and actions to carry out when the correlator detects those events.
You can develop Apama JMon applications in Software AG Designer. When you use Software AG Designer to develop an application, it can automatically generate a framework for your JMon event and JMon monitor files.
For more information on developing JMon applications in Software AG Designer, see, Adding a new JMon application, Adding a JMon monitor, and Adding a JMon event.
Note: Apama includes the in-process API for Java (JMon) and the client API for Java. In most cases, the context makes it clear which API the discussion is addressing. When this is not clear, the APIs are referred to as the JMon API or Apama client API for Java.

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