Apama 10.1 | Apama Documentation | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Correlator Utilities Reference | Watching correlator runtime status
Watching correlator runtime status
List of correlator status statistics
The engine_watch tool lets you monitor the runtime operational status of a running correlator. The executable for this tool is located in the bin directory of the Apama installation. Running the tool in the Apama Command Prompt (see Setting up the environment using the Apama Command Prompt) ensures that the environment variables are set correctly.
To monitor the operation of a correlator, run the following command:
engine_watch [ options ]
When you run this command with the –h option, the usage message for this command is shown.
The engine_watch tool periodically polls a correlator for status information, writing the standard status messages to stdout (see List of correlator status statistics for more information on the standard status messages). When you also specify the -a option, any user-defined status values are appended to the standard status messages. For additional progress information, use the –v option.
The engine_watch tool takes the following options:
-h | --help
Displays usage information. Optional.
-n host | --hostname host
Name of the host on which the correlator is running. The default is localhost. Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in host names.
-p port | --port port
Port on which the correlator is listening. Optional. The default is 15903.
-i ms | --interval ms
Specifies the poll interval in milliseconds. Optional. The default is 1000.
-f filename | --filename filename
Writes status output to the named file. Optional. The default is to send status information to stdout.
-r | --raw
Indicates that you want raw output format, which is more suitable for machine parsing. Raw output format consists of a single line for each status message. Each line is a comma-separated list of status numbers. This format can be useful in a test environment.
If you do not specify that you want raw output format, the default is a multi-line, human-readable format for each status message.
-a | --all
Outputs all user-defined status values after the standard status messages. Optional. The default is to output only the standard status messages.
-t | --title
If you also specify the --raw option, you can specify the --title option so that the output contains headers that make it easy to identify the columns.
-o | --once
Outputs one set of status information and then quits. Optional. The default is to indefinitely return status information at the specified poll interval.
-v | --verbose
Displays process names and versions in addition to status information. Optional. The default is to display only status information.
-V | --version
Displays version information for the engine_watch tool. Optional. The default is that the tool does not output this information.
Exit status
The engine_watch tool returns the following exit values:
All status requests were processed successfully.
No connection to the correlator was possible or the connection failed.
Other error(s) occurred while requesting/processing status.

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