Apama 10.1 | Apama Documentation | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The Universal Messaging Transport Connectivity Plug-in | Overview of using Universal Messaging in Apama applications | General steps for using Universal Messaging in Apama applications
General steps for using Universal Messaging in Apama applications
Before you perform the steps required to use Universal Messaging in an Apama application, consider how your application uses channels. You should know which components need to communicate with each other, which events travel outside a correlator, and which events stay in a single correlator. Understand what channels you need and decide which channels should be Universal Messaging channels and which, if any, should be Apama channels.
For an Apama application to use Universal Messaging, the tasks you must accomplish are:
1. Use Software AG Installer to install both Apama and Universal Messaging in the same Software AG installation directory.
2. Plan and implement the configuration of the Universal Messaging cluster that Apama will use. See the Universal Messaging documentation and Setting up Universal Messaging for use by Apama.
3. Use Software AG Designer to add the Universal Messaging connectivity bundle to your Apama project. For detailed information, see Adding the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in to a project.
4. Open the UMConnectivity.yaml file in your Apama project and adapt it as required. See Configuring the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in for detailed information.
5. Optionally, configure adapters to connect to Universal Messaging. See Configuring IAF adapters to use Universal Messaging.
6. In your EPL code, subscribe to receive events delivered on Universal Messaging channels. See Subscribing to channels.
7. In your EPL code, specify Universal Messaging channels when sending events. See Generating events with the send statement.
8. Monitor the Apama application's use of Universal Messaging. See Monitoring Apama application use of Universal Messaging.

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