Apama 10.1 | Apama Documentation | Deploying and Managing Apama Applications | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Deploying a Designer project to Command Central
Deploying a Designer project to Command Central
To deploy a working Apama project in Command Central, you must configure the Apama component instances in Command Central:
*For the correlator:
*Use the correlator's Initialization configuration type to specify the files (.deploy, project directory, .txt) that need to be injected into the correlator at startup.
*It is recommended to specify the path of the .deploy file of your project's Software AG Designer launch configuration so that Command Central initializes the correlator using the same files as Software AG Designer.
*If you have more than one correlator in the launch configuration, you must explicitly specify the name of the correlator for initialization. To specify the correlator name, use the syntax deployment_file_path!correlator_name.
*By default, you will have a single launch configuration with the same name as the project. In this case, you must specify the initialization path as project_directory/config/launch/launch_configuration_name.deploy!defaultCorrelator.
*If your project is using a connectivity bundle, be sure to add --config arguments pointing to the directory containing the YAML and properties files for that bundle. For example:
--config project_directory/config/connectivity/DigitalEventServices/
*Configure any other required command line arguments for the correlator component.
*For the IAF, create the IAF instance in Command Central using the IAF configuration file available in the project directory at \adapters\iaf_config.xml.
*For the Dashboard servers, if your configuration needs to access any resources from the Apama project, you must map or mount the dashboards folder in the project directory on the SPM server.
Note: Ensure that the paths you specify for the files (for example, initialization files, configuration files) are available on the system where the Platform Manager is running. For example, you can specify a network path.

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