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Searching for resources in Cumulocity IoT
The connectivity plug-in also exposes a mechanism to search for alarms, events and managed objects available with Cumulocity IoT.
*To search for an event or a collection of events, send the com.apama.cumulocity.FindEvent event to Cumulocity IoT with a unique reqId. Optionally, also provide source, status or type information in the request params to filter for specific events. The transport will then respond with zero or more FindEventResponse events and then one FindEventResponseAck event on the FindEventResponse.CHANNEL channel.
*To search for an alarm or a collection of alarms, send the com.apama.cumulocity.FindAlarm event to Cumulocity IoT with a unique reqId. Optionally, also provide source, status or type information in the request params to filter for specific events. The transport will then respond with zero or more FindAlarmResponse events and then one FindAlarmResponseAck event on the FindAlarmResponse.CHANNEL channel.
*To search for a managed object or a collection of managed objects, send the com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObject event to Cumulocity IoT with a unique reqId along with the deviceId. The transport will then respond with zero or more FindManagedObjectResponse events and then one FindManagedObjectResponseAck event on the FindManagedObjectResponse.CHANNEL channel.

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