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Correlator-integrated messaging for JMS adapter editor
The correlator-integrated adapter for JMS editor contains the following tabs:
*Event Mappings
Settings tab
The Correlator-Integrated Adapter editor's Settings tab contains the following sections:
*JMS Connections
*Static receivers
*JNDI Environment
JMS Connections
In the JMS Connections section you can add new connections by clicking the Add button () or remove existing connections by clicking the Delete button (). You can add connections to a variety of listed JMS brokers which have default configuration settings. You can also manually create configuration settings for other JMS brokers that are not listed.
Static Receivers
In the Static Receivers section you can add or delete JMS receivers for the selected JMS Connection. When you add a receiver, you can assign it a name and specify if it is topic, queue, or JNDI type.
The Connection section displays the settings specified for the selected JMS Connection. Initially these are default settings but you can modify them if required.
JNDI Environment
The JNDI Environment section displays the JNDI environment variable specified for the selected JMS Connection. Initially these are default settings but you can add, modify, and remove them if required.
The Classpath section displays the CLASSPATH variables the JMS Broker specified for the selected JMS Connection. Initially these are default settings but you modify them if required.
The Properties section displays the general properties specified for the selected JMS Connection. Initially these are default settings but you can add, modify, and remove them if required.
Event Mappings tab
The Event Mappings tab contains the following sections:
*Mapping Configuration
*Mapping Details
*Mapping Element Details
Mapping Configuration
The Mapping Configuration section contains a Sender Mapping Configuration tab and a Receiver Mapping Configuration tab.
Sender Mapping Configuration
In the Sender Mapping Configuration tab, you specify Apama events to be associated with JMS messages sent from the correlator to the external messaging system.
To specify an Apama event to associate with a JMS message that will be sent by the application, click the Add button () and select the event you want from the Event Type Selection dialog.
To edit an event name, click the edit button and select the event you want from the Event Type Selection dialog.
Receiver Mapping Configuration
In the Receiver Mapping Configuration tab, you specify Apama events to associate with JMS messages received from the external messaging system into the correlator. You also specify the expressions that determine which set of mapping rules to use to map the JMS data to Apama event fields.
To specify an Apama event to associate with a received JMS message, click the Add button () and select the event you want from the Event Type Selection dialog.
To edit the event name, select the event name and click . Select the event you want from the Event Type Selection dialog.
*If you edit the event name without changing the default conditional expression, the fully qualified event name is updated in the expression with the new event name. Also, the related mappings are updated appropriately.
*If you modify the default conditional expression and then change the event name, you must manually change the fully qualified event name in the expression with the new event name.
To modify the conditional expression that is used to determine which mapping rules to use, select the expression and click the Edit button ( or ). Modify the expression using the Conditional Expression dialog.
You can also change the order in which the conditional expressions are evaluated by moving them with the up and down arrows.
Mapping Details
The Mapping Details section contains hierarchical representations of the selected Apama events and JMS messages and lines indicating the mapping rules between them. For the Receiver Mapping Configuration, a JMS message is the source on the left and an Apama event is the target on the right. For the Sender Mapping Configuration Apama events are the sources and JMS messages are the targets.
To specify a mapping rule, click on an entity in the source and drag a line to an entity in the target.
Mapping Element Details
The Mapping Element Details displays the type of transformation applied to the mapping rules. The default is None.
If you want to specify an XSLT or XPath transformation for a mapping rule, click on the line representing the rule and select the type of transformation from the drop-down list and then add the appropriate XSLT stylesheet or XPath expression.
Advanced tab
The Advanced tab displays links to the adapter instance files and generated files.

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