Editing the parameters of a block
Most blocks (but not all) have parameters that you have to set according to your requirements.
When Missing is shown on an input or output block on the canvas, this means that the defined device, device group or asset cannot be found in the Cumulocity IoT inventory. You should then either go to the Cumulocity IoT inventory and make sure that this device is registered or that the device group or asset exists, or you should select a different, existing device, device group or asset in the block parameter editor (see below).
The labels of some blocks on the canvas show the value of the most important parameter. For example, the Expression block shows the defined expression, and the Time Delay block shows the defined delay in seconds.
The block parameter editor also contains commands for duplicating and removing the currently selected block. See
Duplicating a block and
Removing a block or wire for detailed information.
For the input and output blocks, you can globally replace the devices, device groups or assets that are used. See
Replacing devices, device groups and assets for detailed information.
To edit the parameters of a block
1. On the canvas of the model editor, click the block that you want to edit using the left mouse button.
The block parameter editor appears, providing input fields for all parameters that can be specified for that block.
2. For the input and output blocks, the block parameter editor shows a Block Type drop-down list box. Select the type of block that is appropriate for your requirements.
The following applies when you change the block type for a block that is already wired to one or more other blocks: if the new block type has different port names (for example, if the port name changes from Value to Value 1), the existing wires to/from the changed ports are removed. This is done because a changed port name would make the existing wiring invalid.
3. For the input and output blocks, you can select a different device (for input or output), device group (for input only) or an asset (if the search box is used) from a dialog box.
By default, 10 devices and 10 device groups are shown, sorted alphabetically. With a large inventory, you will have to click Load more to display any devices or device groups that are not shown initially.
The tree in the dialog box reflects the parent/child hierarchy in the Cumulocity IoT inventory. The list of devices includes any defined child devices, and the list of device groups includes any defined sub-groups. These are available from expandable/collapsible nodes. For output blocks, you can also select the Trigger Device.
The search box can be used to show any assets in the Cumulocity IoT inventory which match your search criteria. This includes devices, device groups and also managed objects. The search is case-sensitive. The characters that you type in may be contained at any position within the name. The tree is updated with each character that you type. With a large search result, you will have to click Load more to display any assets that are initially not shown.
Click the Use button (this is shown when you move the mouse over an entry) to select the device, device group or asset that you want to use. For output blocks, you cannot select a device group, but you can select any device within that group.
The maximum number of shown devices, device groups and/or assets depends on a tenant option. For more information, see
Configuring the number of shown devices, device groups and/or
The assets that are shown when searching also depend on a tenant option. You can restrict the search to show only assets of a specific type. For more information, see
Searching for input and output assets.
4. It is possible to use a template parameter instead of specifying a value for a block parameter. This allows different values to be used for this block parameter in different instances of the model (see
Using the Instance Editor for more information). Create a template parameter of a matching type in the Template Parameters dialog box (see
Managing template parameters), switch the block parameter to use a template parameter (see below) and select the desired template parameter from the drop-down list box. Or create the template parameter directly in the block parameter editor (see below). The block parameter editor provides the following options in a drop-down list box:
When selected, you can specify a value for this parameter using the adjacent control. This value is validated in the block parameter editor.
When selected, you can select a template parameter from the adjacent drop-down list box. You can only select a template parameter that is of the same type as the block parameter to which you want to assign it; template parameters of unsuitable types are not available for selection. Template parameters are not validated in the block parameter editor.
If you want to add a new template parameter directly in the block parameter editor, type a name in the text box of the above drop-down list box. As soon as you start typing and if a template parameter with that name does not yet exist, the option Add template parameter name is shown below the text box. Click this option to add the new template parameter and thus make it available in the Template Parameters dialog box. The new template parameter will have the same type, optional and default values as the block parameter. If a template parameter with the name that you are specifying exists already, but with an incompatible type, the name and type is shown below the text box but cannot be selected.
5. For some blocks (such as the Range Lookup block), the block parameter editor shows text boxes for specifying key-value pairs. If you need to specify more key-value pairs, click Add row. The key-value pair in the first row is processed first. You can drag a row to a different position using the
control that is shown next to that row, and you can remove a row that you do not need any more by clicking
next to that row. Empty rows are automatically removed when you leave the block parameter editor. 6. Specify all required parameters.
Your input is kept in memory when you leave the block parameter editor (for example, when you click on another block or the canvas).
Keep in mind that your changes are only written to the inventory when you save the model. See also
Saving a model.