Apama Analytics Builder 10.7.0 | Using Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Block Reference | Input | Managed Object Input
Managed Object Input
Receives ManagedObject objects from a device or device group.
The block does not reorder the received ManagedObject objects and processes them as they are received. The block does not produce new output if the value of the specified property has not changed since the last output, even if other properties on the same ManagedObject object have changed.
The Value output from the block contains all properties on the ManagedObject object, including the property specified by the Property Name parameter. Property values can be accessed using the Extract Property block.
Properties with values of type string, boolean or float can be accessed by specifying the name of the property in the Extract Property block. For example, if the name of the property is ap_State, then specify ap_State as the value for the Property Name parameter of the Extract Property block.
If a property value is of type JSON object or sequence, then nested values can be accessed by specifying the full path to the nested values as the name of the property.
For example, if the name of the property is c8y_SpeedMeasurement and the value is { "Speed": { "value": 1234, "unit": "km/h" } } (in JSON form), then specify c8y_SpeedMeasurement.Speed.unit as the value for the Property Name parameter of the Extract Property block to extract the value of the unit.
Any position data associated with the ManagedObject object is available as a c8y_Position property and can be extracted using the Extract Property block.
If the value of the property specified by the Property Name parameter of this block is of type string, boolean or float, then the value is also directly available in the Value output and can be directly consumed by blocks consuming values of that type without using the Extract Property block, for example, Expression or Difference blocks.
Device or Device Group
The device or device group from which the managed object has been received.
The model editor uses the current device or asset name. This is mapped internally to the inventory identifier.
Property Name
The name of the property for which to listen.
The ManagedObject object must have a property of this name otherwise, it will be ignored.
Capture Start Value
Outputs the initial value when the model is activated.
Default: false
Output Port Details
Generates an output for each ManagedObject object received.
All properties of the managed object are available as extra properties. You can use the Extract Property block to access their values.