Apama Analytics Builder 10.7.0 | Using Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Understanding Models | Blocks | Creating your own blocks
Creating your own blocks
You can use the Apama Analytics Builder Block SDK to write, test, and package custom blocks and to upload these blocks into Apama Analytics Builder.
The Block SDK is available from GitHub at https://github.com/SoftwareAG/apama-analytics-builder-block-sdk. See the documentation in GitHub for detailed information.
You write the custom blocks in Apama's Event Processing Language (EPL). Once you have written a block, you can package it into an extension and upload it. An example command line to build and upload an extension is:
analytics_builder build extension --input path --cumulocity_url $C8Y_URL --username $C8Y_USERNAME --password $C8Y_PASSWORD --name customBlocks
To upload an extension, the user specified in the --username argument must have CREATE permission for "Inventory" in Cumulocity IoT, in addition to the permissions listed in Prerequisites.