Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT 10.5 | Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT Documentation | Using Apama Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Using the Model Editor | Working with blocks and wires | Viewing the documentation for a block
Viewing the documentation for a block
The documentation pane allows you to view detailed information for the currently selected block. It shows the so-called Block Reference which provides documentation of a block's parameters, input ports and output ports. You can resize the documentation pane, and you can also toggle its display.
* To view the documentation for a block
1. In the model editor, click the block for which you want to view the documentation. You can do this in the palette or on the canvas.
2. When a Block Type drop-down list box is shown in the block parameter editor, select the block type for which you want to view the documentation.
3. If the documentation pane is currently not shown, click the area that contains the icon (shown at the right of the canvas) to display the documentation pane. Clicking that area again hides the documentation pane.
4. If you want to resize the documentation pane (for example, to make it larger), move the mouse pointer over the area that contains the icon. When the mouse pointer changes to show the resize icon (), click and hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse to the left or right (to make the documentation pane wider or smaller).

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