The ABSFIELD is the normal FIELD control to be positioned absolutely. All properties are the same as the properties used by the FIELD control. See the description of the FIELD control.
Basic | |||
valueprop |
Server side property representation of the control. |
Obligatory | |
length |
Width of FIELD in amount of characters. WIDTH and LENGTH should not be used together. Note that the actual size of the control depends on the font definition if using the LENGTH property. |
Optional |
5 10 15 20 int-value |
x |
X-coordinated (in pixels) of the left top corner of the control. |
Optional | |
y |
Y-coordinated (in pixels) of the left top corner of the control. |
Optional | |
z |
Z-coordinated (in pixels) of the left top corner of the control. |
Optional | |
flush |
Flushing behaviour of the input control. By default an input into the control is registered within the browser client - and communicated to the server adapter object when a user e.g. presses a button. By using the FLUSH property you can change this behaviour. Setting FLUSH to "server" means that directly after changeing the input a synchronization with the server adapter is triggered. As consequence you directly can react inside your adapter logic onto the change of the corresponding value. - Please be aware of that during the synchronization always all changed properties - also the ones that were changed before - are transferred to the adapter object, not only the one that triggered the synchonization. Setting FLUSH to "screen" means that the changed value is populated inside the page. You use this option if you have redundant usage of the same property inside one page and if you want to pass one changed value to all its representation directly after changing the value. |
Optional |
screen server |
flushmethod |
When the data synchronization of the control is set to FLUSH="server" then you can specify an explicit method to be called when the user updates the content of the control. By doing so you can distinguish on the server side from which control the flush of data was triggered. |
Optional | |
password |
If set to "true", each entered character is displayed as a '*'. |
Optional |
true false |
displayonly |
If set to true, the FIELD will not be accessible for input. It is just used as an output field. |
Optional |
true false |
displayprop |
Name of adapter property that controls whether the field is displayonly(true) or not (false). By using this property you can dynamically control the "display"-status of the control by your adapter object. |
Optional | |
statusprop |
Name of the adapter property that dynamically passes information how the field should be rendered and how it should act. |
Optional | |
popupmethod |
Name of the adapter's method that is called when the user requests value help by pressing F4 or F7 or by clicking into the FIELD with the right mouse button. See at chapter 'Popup Dialog Management' for more details. If the POPUPMETHOD is defined, a small icon is shown inside the field to indicate to the user that there is some value help available. |
Optional |
openIdValueCombo openIdValueHelp openIdValueComboOrPopup |
datatype |
By default, the FIELD control is managing its content as string. By explicitly setting a datatype you can define that the control... ...will check the user input if it reflects the datatype. E.g. if the user inputs "abc" into a field with datatype "int" then a corresponding error message will popup when the user leaves the field. ...will format the data coming from the server or coming form the user input: if the field has datatype "date" and the user inputs "010304" then the input will be translated into "01.03.2004" (or other representation, dependent on date format settings). In addition value popups are offered for the user automatically for some datatypes: e.g. when specifying datatype "date" the automatically the field provides a calendar input popup. Please note: the datatype "float" is named a bit misleading - it represents any decimal format number. The server side representation may be a float value, but also can be a double or a BigDecimal property. |
Optional |
date float int long time timestamp color xs:decimal xs:double xs:date xs:dateTime xs:time ------------------------ N n.n P n.n string n L xs:boolean xs:byte xs:short |
fieldstyle |
CSS style definition that is directly passed into this control. With the style you can individually influence the rendering of the control. You can specify any style sheet expressions. Examples are: border: 1px solid #FF0000 background-color: #808080 You can combine expressions by appending and separating them with a semicolon. Sometimes it is useful to have a look into the generated HTML code in order to know where direct style definitions are applied. Press right mouse-button in your browser and select the "View source" or "View frame's source" function. |
Optional | |
comment |
Comment without any effect on rendering and behaviour. The comment is shown in the layout editor's tree view. |
Optional |