AUTORPC - Automatic Natural RPC Execution

This Natural profile parameter determines whether or not Natural RPC will automatically try to execute a subprogram remotely (on the server side) which was not found locally (on the client side).

Possible settings ON Natural RPC will automatically try to execute it remotely.
OFF Natural RPC will not automatically try to execute it remotely.

With AUTORPC=OFF, you can execute CALLNATs remotely using interface objects.

Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session yes At runtime, this value can be overwritten using the Parameter Maintenance function of the SYSRPC utility.


  1. If you want to use a remote CALLNAT statement to execute a subprogram on an EntireX RPC server, we strongly recommend that you set AUTORPC=OFF and use an interface object. For details, see Interface Objects and Automatic RPC Execution in the Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call) documentation.
  2. AUTORPC is specified on the client side only.
  3. For details see Interface Objects and Automatic RPC Execution in the Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call) documentation.
  4. For information on Natural RPC, see the Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call) documentation.