SSTTL – Saved Session Time to Live

This Natural profile parameter specifies the time during which saved Natural/HA sessions exist on the state server before they expire. Expired Natural/HA sessions may be automatically removed from the state server at any time.

Possible settings

1 - 99999999

Natural/HA processes expire after the specified number of seconds.


Natural/HA processes do not expire.

Default setting


Dynamic specification


Specification within session



  1. Once a saved Natural/HA session has been removed from the state server, the corresponding Natural/HA session cannot be continued. However, it may be that the Natural/HA session has been orphaned (e.g., due to abnormal termination of the client) and thus cannot be continued anyway. Therefore, the setting of this parameter represents a compromise. On the one hand, the setting should be high enough to exceed typical user idle times (e.g., due to breaks or other interruptions). On the other hand, it should be low enough to not allow over-accumulation of orphaned Natural/HA sessions on the state server.
  2. This parameter is not used for file system state servers.