LINGER - Natural/HA Process Linger Time

This Natural profile parameter specifies the time a Natural/HA process that is running on a backend server should live after having served a request for a particular Natural/HA session. If, during this lingering time, the next request for this session is issued to the same backend server, the lingering Natural/HA process can immediately serve that request without a new Natural/HA process having to be started, thus improving Natural/HA application responsiveness.

Possible settings

1 - 32767

Natural/HA processes linger for the specified number of seconds.


Natural/HA processes do not linger.

Default setting


Dynamic specification


Specification within session



  1. The setting only applies to Natural running in an HA (High Availability) environment.
  2. This performance optimization depends on the load balancer forwarding consecutive requests for a particular Natural/HA session to the same backend server. This can be the case if either “sticky” sessions are explicitly configured, or if the load balancer implicitly is switching relatively infrequently to a different backend server for a particular Natural/HA session. If, on the other hand, the load balancer is balancing the individual requests (e.g., by forwarding them to a different backend server on a round-robin basis), then this parameter has no beneficial effect.
  3. Natural/HA processes do not consume CPU resources while lingering.