THSEPCH - Thousands Separator Character

This Natural profile and session parameter is used to specify the character to be used as thousands separator at runtime. Then the thousands separator character replaces the dynamic thousands separators in edit masks.

Possible settings any character At runtime, the dynamic thousands separator is replaced with this character.


  1. If the thousands separator character is to be a comma, it must be enclosed in quotes, that is, THSEPCH=',' when using the dynamic parameter facility, because a comma is used to separate individual parameters.
  2. If the thousands separator character is to be a quote, it must be specified as two quotes enclosed in quotes, that is, THSEPCH=''''.
Default setting , (comma)

By default, a comma is used as thousands separator.

Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session yes  
Applicable statements none  
Applicable command GLOBALS  

In the Natural source, the dynamic thousands separator is always represented by a comma (,) or a period (.).

See also: