SHAPED - Control of Character Shaping

This Natural profile and session parameter determines whether base characters in their basic forms (unshaped) are converted to their shaped forms before they are stored.

Character shaping is required to correctly represent characters of a bidirectional language (such as Arabic), for example, when using a browser or editing text with the NaturalONE source editor.

Possible settings ON Unshaped characters are converted to their shaped forms; shaped characters are not converted.
OFF Unshaped characters are not converted to their shaped forms; shaped characters are converted to their unshaped forms.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session yes  

If you are using Natural Version 9.1 or higher and you use Mainframe Editors to input data, you must set SHAPED=ON. If you use only NaturalOne and haven't used Mainframe Editors to input data, you must set SHAPED=OFF. Alternatively, you can skip setting SHAPED as its default value is OFF.

See also Bidirectional Language Support in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.