Return Codes and Reason Codes of the Roll Server Requests

This section contains the return codes and reason codes of the roll server requests. Unlike Natural system messages, the explanatory long texts to these messages and codes are only available in this document, not online.

The TP monitor interfaces issuing roll server request interpret some reason codes returned by a failed roll server request and issue specific error messages. Other reason codes, however, are not interpreted. These are reported with a more general error message text.

For information on the Roll Server, see:

The following sections in the documentation of Natural for Mainframes:

  • Natural Roll Server Functionality

  • Natural Roll Server Operation

In addition, refer to the relevant IBM documents mentioned below.

Return Codes:

Decimal Explanation  
0 Normal completion.
4 Wait for disk I/O completion.
8 Wait and resume this call.
12 Error, see reason code.
16 Abnormal end.
20 Recursive abend.
28 Roll server not active.
32 GETMAIN failed for work area.
36 Request block is write protected.
40 IXLLIST error.

Reason Codes Returned with Return Code 12:

Hex Dec Function Type Explanation Action
04 04 ALLOC The roll file is full. Increase and reformat the roll file.

Carefully read the constraints regarding reformatting the roll file described in the roll server documentation.

08 08 All except STATS An abend was intercepted and a SNAP dump was taken. Contact Software AG Support.
0C 12 ALLOC The roll file number returned by the user exit NATRSU14 is invalid. Correct the user exit.
10 16 FREE



The roll file number passed by the requestor in the request block is invalid.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
14 20 FREE



The number of the roll file slot passed by the requestor in the request block is invalid.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
18 24 FREE



There is no allocated roll file slot for the user with the identification passed by the requestor in the request block.

Possible reasons: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function, or the respective roll file slot has been deleted from the roll file either by using the Roll Server’s TIMEOUT command, or by using the SYSTP utility.

Contact Software AG Support.
1C 28 READ


The size of the compressed Natural thread presented (WRITE) or requested (READ) is zero.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
20 32 READ


The size of the compressed Natural thread is greater than the maximum roll file slot.

Possible reasons:

READ: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

WRITE: The compressed Natural thread does not fit into its roll file slot, and there is not enough free space in the roll file to allocate the necessary overflow slots.

Increase the roll file.
24 36 READ


An internal control block used for inter-task communication could not be allocated. Increase the amount of available space for the roll server address space. If the problem persists, contact Software AG Support.
28 40 READ


An intermediate buffer for an asynchronous READ/WRITE request could not be allocated. Increase the amount of available space for the roll server address space. If the problem persists, contact Software AG Support.
2C 44 READ The size of the compressed Natural thread requested is not equal to the size used on the preceding WRITE request.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
30 48 READ


An abend was intercepted and a SNAP dump issued in the roll server's address space. Contact Software AG Support.
34 52 READ The READ-task could not allocate the intermediate buffer. Increase the amount of available space for the roll server address space. If the problem persists, contact Software AG Support.
38 56 READ



The address of the Natural thread is not specified in the request block.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
3C 60 FREE



The pointer to the directory entry in the request block is invalid.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
40 64 READ The roll server init timestamp specified in the request block is zero.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
44 68 All Sysplex Services for Data Sharing (XES) returned an unexpected reason code. The XES reason code is returned by the roll server in the request answer area (label RSPAXRNC). Please refer to the IBM document Sysplex Services Reference for the detailed reason and proposed actions. If the reason does not depend on system definitions, contact Software AG Support.
48 72 All The connection to the Coupling Facility was lost.

Possible reason: Hardware or system software problem.

Contact the z/OS system administration.
4C 76 All The Coupling Facility structure failed.

Possible Reasons: Hardware or system software problem (Contact IBM Support)

Stop the roll server, deallocate the coupling facility structure and reformat the roll file.
51-53 81-83 READ The previous WRITE request executed on a different z/OS image was not successfully completed due to a Coupling Facility problem or a roll server problem. Look at the message logs of the roll servers participating in the Sysplex for messages indicating this situation.
54 84 FREE The entry for the specific user could not be located in the Coupling Facility structure.

Possible reason: The request block has been overwritten since the last successfully executed roll server function.

Contact Software AG Support.
58 88 READ A wait-queue element could not be allocated. Increase the amount of available space for the roll server address space. If the problem persists, contact Software AG Support.
5C 92 READ The information contained in the specific entry of the Coupling Facility structure indicates that there was no previous WRITE request. Contact Software AG Support.
60 96 DEALLOC The length of the generic user ID is smaller than 1 or greater than 16. Contact Software AG Support.
64 100


The receiving storage area provided by the caller is write-protected. Contact Software AG Support.
68 104


The ECB referenced in the request block is not aligned or is write-protected. Contact Software AG Support.
70 112


A session requested a roll file slot with an invalid user ID. Contact Software AG Support.
74 116


A session presented a Roll Server request with an invalid timestamp. Contact Software AG Support.
78 120 READ After a READ operation, the roll server indicates that the requestor of the slot is no longer active or another user has already taken the place of the requestor. Contact Software AG Support.
7C 124 READ After receiving a return code 8, the Natural CICS Interface resumed the call, but the Roll Server did not deliver the requested roll file slot within 30 seconds. Contact Software AG Support.
80 128 All Try to assign overflow slot. Contact Software AG Support.
84 132 All Invalid stack pointer. Contact Software AG Support.
88 04 ALLOC Overflow slot could not be allocated (1). Similar to 12/4: there is no free slot any more to allocate to an overflow slot in location 1.
8C 04 ALLOC Overflow slot could not be allocated (2). Similar to 12/4: there is no free slot any more to allocate to an overflow slot in location 2.
104 - 13C 260 - 316 All Internal error. Contact Software AG Support.