Hello World Application

This document covers the following topics:

About the Sample Application

The Hello World application is the preferred starting point for using NaturalONE. This is a simple sample which demonstrates a Natural project which implements a Hello World application by using Natural for Ajax.

Installing the Sample Application

Install the sample application by clicking Hello World application on the welcome page. A new project named "NaturalONE Hello World Sample Application" will then be shown in the Project Explorer view. See also Installing the Sample Applications.

Starting the Sample Application

You start your first Natural application by executing the program HELLO-P.NSP in the SAMPL4ONE library.

Start of instruction setTo start the sample application

  1. In the Project Explorer view, expand the project NaturalONE Hello World Sample Application.

    By default, the environment to which a Natural project pertains is shown next to the project name. For the sample applications, the environment name is "natural-runtime". This is the local Natural runtime which enables you to execute your applications without having to use a remote development environment. The number in parentheses which is also shown next to the project name indicates the number of Natural libraries in this project. This is part of the so-called label decoration.

    There are two folders:

    • Natural-Libraries
      Natural-Libraries contains the folder SAMP4ONE. This is the Natural library for this sample application.

      SAMP4ONE contains the folder SRC. This folder contains the Natural source files.

      HELLO-A.NS8 is the Natural adapter, that is, the Natural interface to the Ajax page.

      HELLO-P.NSP is the Natural program which implements this simple Hello World application.

    • User-Interface-Components
      User-Interface-Components contains the folder samplecomponents which in turn contains the folder xml.

      helloworld.xml contains the Ajax page layout. This page layout is defined with the Layout Painter, which is invoked from the context menu with Open With > Layout Painter.

      For detailed information about the Natural for Ajax technology, see Natural for Ajax.

  2. Select the program HELLO-P.NSP, invoke the context menu and choose Run As > Natural Application.

    The output is now shown.


  3. Enter your name in the Input Area and choose the Say Hello button.

    Your name is now shown in the Output Area.