Copying, Moving, and Renaming Objects

This section provides instructions for using the copy, move and rename functions in menu mode.

Start of instruction setTo copy, move or rename single or multiple objects

  1. In the SYSMAIN menu, select Copy (or enter C), Move (or enter M) or Rename (or enter R) and then select Programming Objects.

    An object-specification window similar to the example below appears:

    +--------------------- COPY ---------------------+
    ¦                                                ¦
    ¦                    - Source -                  ¦
    ¦ OBJECT:                                        ¦
    ¦ LIBRARY: SYSTEM          CODE: X (S)ource      ¦
    ¦ DBID:     99   FNR:  51        X (C)ataloged   ¦
    ¦ USER ID:                 XREF: n               ¦
    ¦ DATE:        -  -     :                        ¦
    ¦                                                ¦
    ¦                    - Target -                  ¦
    ¦ OBJECT:                                        ¦
    ¦ LIBRARY:                 REPLACE:              ¦
    ¦ DBID:          FNR:                            ¦
  2. In the Source section, enter all object selection criteria required for specifying the source environment. For explanations of the fields contained in this window and valid input values, see Using the Fields in an Object-Specification Window.

  3. Confirm your entries in the Source section with ENTER:

    • If you entered single names in the OBJECT and LIBRARY fields and a matching object is found, skip to Step 10.

    • If you entered a name range in the LIBRARY field, all libraries within the range specified are listed for selection (see the example window shown earlier).

  4. Select the library required.

    The object-specification screen appears with the selected library entered in the LIBRARY field of the Source section.

  5. Choose ENTER to continue:

    • If you entered a single name in the OBJECT field and a matching object is found, skip to Step 10.

    • If you entered a name range in the OBJECT field, the OBJECT TYPE window appears (shown and described earlier).

  6. Select one or more object types required.

  7. If you use the copy or move function, a window similar to the example below appears:

    ¦X Select the specified Object(s) for copy ¦
    ¦  Copy  ALL  specified Object(s)          ¦

    If you do not want to select all matching objects individually from a list and/or rename them in the target library, mark Copy ALL specified Object(s) by choosing DOWN ARROW, then skip to Step 10.

    If you want to select all matching objects individually from a list and/or rename them in the target library, mark Select the specified Object(s) for copy by choosing UP ARROW if required (marked by default):

    • If a single object is found, skip to Step 10.

    • If multiple objects are found, a selection window appears that looks similar to the result window shown and explained earlier.

  8. Select the objects you want to process by entering X in the input fields of the X column next to the objects required. If both the source object and the cataloged object exist for a selected object, you can process only the source object or the cataloged object by replacing the S or the C respectively in the S/C column with a blank character and choosing ENTER.

  9. Once you have selected the objects required, a window similar to the one below appears.

    Copy or move function:

    ¦X Copy selected Objects using   same    Object name ¦
    ¦  Copy selected Objects using different Object name ¦
    • If you want to use the same object names for both the source and the target library, mark the first option by choosing UP ARROW if required (marked by default).

    • Or:
      If you want to rename each object in the target library, mark the second option by choosing DOWN ARROW.

    Rename function:

    ¦X Rename every single Object with a new name     ¦ 
    ¦  Rename all selected Objects with one new name* ¦ 
    • If you want to rename each object individually, mark the first option by choosing UP ARROW if required (marked by default).

    • Or:
      If you want to rename a range of objects with a new name range, mark the second option by choosing DOWN ARROW.

  10. If the XREF option has been set to Y (Yes), a window similar to the example below appears:

    +--------------------- XREF ---------------------+
    ¦                                                ¦
    ¦          --- PREDICT (FDIC) Files ---          ¦
    ¦                                                ¦
    ¦    - Source -              - Target -          ¦
    ¦ DBID:         0         DBID:         0        ¦
    ¦ FNR:          0         FNR:          0        ¦
    ¦ PASSWORD:               PASSWORD:              ¦
    ¦ CIPHER:                 CIPHER:                ¦
  11. If required, replace the current database ID (DBID) and/or file number (FNR) and enter a password and a cipher code. For further information, see XREF Considerations.

  12. The object-specification screen appears, which now looks similar to the example shown below:

    +--------------------- COPY ---------------------+
    ¦ 3 Object(s) selected                           ¦
    ¦                    - Source -                  ¦
    ¦ OBJECT:  PRO*                                  ¦
    ¦ LIBRARY: TESTLIB         CODE: (S)ource        ¦
    ¦ DBID:    99    FNR: 51         (C)ataloged     ¦
    ¦ USER ID:                 XREF: ON              ¦
    ¦ DATE:        -  -     :  TYPE: all             ¦
    ¦                                                ¦
    ¦                     -Target -                  ¦
    ¦ OBJECT:  PRO*                                  ¦
    ¦ LIBRARY: TESTLIB2        REPLACE: n            ¦
    ¦ DBID:     99   FNR:  51                        ¦
    • If multiple objects were found, a message indicates the number of objects selected for processing (in the example above: 3).

    • If an object name range was specified in the Source section and the rename option (see Step 9) was not selected, the OBJECT field of the Target section has turned into a read-only field, which contains the same name range (in the example above: PRO*).

      If a single object was selected for processing, the name of this object is entered in the OBJECT field of the Target section. You can replace the name in this field.

      If an object name range was specified in the Source section and the rename option (see Step 9) was selected, the name of each object selected appears in the OBJECT field of the Target section field. You can then replace the name of each current object in this field.

      When using the rename function (see Step 9), you can also replace multiple objects by specifying name ranges as shown in the example below:

      +-------------------- RENAME --------------------+
      ¦ 3 Object(s) selected                           ¦
      ¦               - Old object name -              ¦
      ¦ OBJECT:  PRO*                                  ¦
      ¦ LIBRARY: TESTLIB2        CODE: (S)ource        ¦
      ¦ DBID:    99    FNR: 51         (C)ataloged     ¦
      ¦ USER ID:                 XREF: ON              ¦
      ¦ DATE:        -  -     :  TYPE: P               ¦
      ¦                                                ¦
      ¦               - New object name -              ¦
      ¦ OBJECT:  PGM*                                  ¦
      ¦ LIBRARY: TESTLIB2        REPLACE: n            ¦
      ¦ DBID:     99   FNR:  51                        ¦

      In the example above, all objects whose names begin with PRO are replaced with objects whose names begin with PGM.

  13. Confirm your entries in the Target section with ENTER.

    If the target library already contains objects with the same names specified and if the REPLACE option is set to N, for each object found a window similar to the one below appears:

    ¦ Object(s) already exist, do you want to overwrite source ?   Y/N            ¦
    • Enter Y (Yes) to confirm the object replacement.

    • Or:
      Enter N (No) to reject the object replacement.

    See also Using the Replace Option.

  14. When the copy, move or rename function completed successfully, an appropriate confirmation message appears in the object-specification window.