Natural System Error Messages 3000-3049

NAT3000: A non-zero response code was received from the database.

A non-zero response code was received from the database.
The Natural error messages NAT3001 - NAT3999 deal with database response
codes; that is, an error message "NAT3nnn" indicates that the database
has replied to a command with a response code "nnn".
The error may be caused by one of the following:
- An invalid request was made to the database.
- A malfunction occurred in the database.
Retain the number of the response code and contact your database

NAT3001: ISN list not sorted. DB/FNR/Subcode :1:/:2:/:3:.

ISN list not sorted. DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
An ISN list could not be sorted as a result of an excessive number of
resulting ISNs, or because during a non-descriptor search a value larger
than the corresponding field length in the FDT was found, or because the
ISN quantity returned does not correspond with the actual number of
records found.
Provide sufficient disk space for temporary working space or adapt the
FDT to the actual field length.

NAT3002: Not completely executed. DB/FNR/Subc/Field :1:/:2:/:3:/:4:.

Not completely executed. DB/FNR/Subc/Field .../.../.../....
The required function has not been executed completely.  For  an
OP  command  with command option 2 = E or for an RE command, the
specified record buffer length was shorter than  the  length  of
the ET data read.  The record buffer has been truncated.
Increase the record buffer length or ignore the warning.

NAT3003: An end-of-file or end-of-list condition detected. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

An end-of-file or end-of-list condition detected. DB/FNR .../....

NAT3009: Last transaction backed out of database :1:. Subcode :2:.

Last transaction backed out of database .... Subcode ....
This response is caused by one of the following:
 - The last user transaction has been backed out by Adabas (ET logic
   users only) or an exclusive control user (non-ET user) or an
   access-only user exceeded the non-activity time limit;
 - The nucleus was abnormally terminated and the user issued a command;
 - Protection log area was too small and an internal BT was executed;
 - The Adabas node has been restarted or in an Adabas cluster
   environment a primary/secondary switch took place;
 - In high-availability (HA) mode, ADALNK was used as access method
   instead of the fully supported native ADATCP access method.
The ADDITIONS 2 field in the CB contains additional information
which is described in details in the Adabas documentation.
Check the appropriate reason.

NAT3016: An error occurred in an MC call processing. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

An error occurred in an MC call processing. DB/FNR .../....
An error occurred in an MC call during subcommand processing.
Contact your database administrator.

NAT3017: Invalid file number. DB/FNR/Subcode :1:/:2:/:3:.

Invalid file number. DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
The file number was invalid. Possible causes are:
 - The file number was either 0 or greater than the maximum allowed.
 - The file was not in the database.
 - The file was locked.
 - A required Adabas system file was not loaded.
Make sure that you use the correct file number.
For more information, please refer to the Adabas documentation.

NAT3018: Incorrect usage of file number. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Incorrect usage of file number. DB/FNR .../....
The file number was modified between successive L2/L5 calls.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3019: Update not permitted for access-only file. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Update not permitted for access-only file. DB/FNR .../....
An attempt was made to update a file which was opened for access only.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3020: Incorrect entry made for a command ID value. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Incorrect entry made for a command ID value. DB/FNR .../....
One of the following incorrect entries was used for a command ID value:
 - binary zeros;
 - blanks;
 - the high-order byte contains the hexadecimal value "FF", but there is
   no automatic command ID generation;
 - the three high-order bytes contain the ASCII string "SYN".
Check program and correct error.

NAT3021: An invalid CID value was detected. DB/FNR/Subcode :1:/:2:/:3:.

An invalid CID value was detected. DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
A time-out occurred because a command ID was not found.
This program error can be caused by:
 - the CMD ID being assigned to another Lx command;
 - the CMD ID being assigned to another file;
 - the CMD ID was not found for an Sx command.
Check program and correct error.
For more information, please refer to the Adabas documentation.

NAT3022: Invalid command :4:. DB/FNR/Subcode :1:/:2:/:3:.

Invalid command .... DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
The command or command option is invalid. Some possible subcodes:
1/1005         Invalid command code.
2              Access-only user attempted to issue an update command.
18             ADALNK X"48" call logic has been suppressed.
21             Non-ET-logic user issued BT command.
52             A non-Adabas target was called.
1006/1007/1008 Invalid ACBX/ABD/ABD-type.
1010/1011      More than one value buffer/ISN buffer specified.
1012/1013      Number of search and value buffers/format and record
               buffers do not match.
Check program and correct error.
For more information, please refer to the Adabas documentation.

NAT3023: Invalid starting ISN specified. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Invalid starting ISN specified. DB/FNR .../....
The starting ISN specified for an L2/L5 command sequence was invalid:
 - The ISN is not assigned to a record in the file.
 - The ISN was greater than the MAXISN in effect for the file.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3024: Invalid ISN found in ISN buffer. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Invalid ISN found in ISN buffer. DB/FNR .../....
An ISN = 0 or >= the first free ISN in the ISN buffer was found
in the ISN buffer.
Correct the ISN buffer.

NAT3025: ISN in ISN lower limit for S1/S4 not found. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

ISN in ISN lower limit for S1/S4 not found. DB/FNR .../....
The ISN specified in ISN Lower Limit for an S1/S4 (or S2/S9) command
was not found.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3026: Invalid ISN buffer length for S9 command. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Invalid ISN buffer length for S9 command. DB/FNR .../....
Either the number of ISNs to be sorted as provided in ISN Quantity
was 0, or an incorrect SVC number was specified in the link routine.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3028: Invalid descriptor :4:. DB/FNR/Subcode :1:/:2:/:3:.

Invalid descriptor .... DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
A descriptor was invalid for an L3/L6 or S2/S9 command.
The following subcodes may be indicated:
 1 The field was not a descriptor.
 2 The descriptor is contained within a periodic group.
 3 The descriptor was changed between successive calls.
 4 The Additions 1 field contained a different descriptor than
   the descriptor contained in the search buffer.
 5 An initial L3/L6 call contains no trailing blanks in the Additions 1
Check program and correct error.
For more information, please refer to the Adabas documentation.

NAT3029: Incorrect value repositioning attempted. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Incorrect value repositioning attempted. DB/FNR .../....
A value repositioning was attempted with an L3/L6 command (bytes 7-8
of the Additions 1 field contain spaces) and the Command Option 2 field
did not contain the value "V".
The command ID is released.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3040: Syntax error in format buffer. DB/FNR/Field :1:/:2:/:3:.

Syntax error in format buffer. DB/FNR/Field .../.../....
The syntax error may be one of the following:
   - The terminating period was missing.
   - The first position contains a period.
   - Length and/or format was specified with a range definition.
   - An invalid element was detected.
   - The L9 descriptor name in the search buffer did not agree with
     the name in the format buffer.
The message shows the name of the field being processed when the error
was detected.
Check program and DDM and correct error.

NAT3041: Error in format buffer. DB/FNR/subc/field :1:/:2:/:3:/:4:.

Error in format buffer. DB/FNR/Field .../.../....
This error may be caused by one or more of the following:
 - A phonetic, hyper-, or collation descriptor was specified.
 - A field was specified incorrectly.
 - An index for a periodic group or multiple-value field was specified
 - A periodic group was referenced incorrectly.
 - A count was specified for a field which is not a multiple-value
 - A multiple-value field was indexed incorrectly.
Further reasons are described in the Adabas documentation.
The message shows the name of the field being processed when the error
was detected.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3043: Descriptor in format and search buffer not equal. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Descriptor in format and search buffer not equal. DB/FNR .../....
The descriptor specified in the format buffer did not agree with the
descriptor specified in the search buffer.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3044: Invalid format buffer. DB/FNR/Subcode :1:/:2:/:3:.

Invalid format buffer. DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
Invalid format buffer. DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
The following subcodes may be indicated:
1 The format buffer is invalid for use with an UPDATE (A1) or
  ADD command (N1/N2).
  A READ command uses a format buffer from the format pool, previously
  used by UPDATE or ADD command, and which contains an invalid
12 L option is specified but the format has no LOB section with
13 The format buffer for an A1 commands with command option 2="T" did
   not contain a last-update-timestamp system generated field.
Check program and correct error.

NAT3045: PE/MU overflowed when using N-option. DB/FNR/field :1:/:2:/:3:.

PE/MU overflowed when using N-option. DB/FNR/field .../.../....
Multiple-value field or periodic group overflowed when using the N
option for update.
The message shows the name of the field being processed when the error
was detected.
Re-design the application.

NAT3046: Mismatch of format buffer usage for supplied CID. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Mismatch of format buffer usage for supplied CID. DB/FNR .../....
Mismatch of format buffer usage for the supplied command ID.
-  A test option user has supplied a different format buffer than
   that of the previous Adabas call.
-  A non-test  option  user,  using  global  command  IDs,  may
   receive  this  response when a test option user has supplied
   an incorrect format buffer for the global command ID.
-  A command ID of global ID format buffer has  been  found  in
   the  format pool and has a different file number than the file
   supplied by the caller.;
-  The file number was changed in subsequent Adabas calls  with
   the  same  normal  or  global  command ID,  independent of the
   test option.
Check the usage of the command IDs.

NAT3047: Maximum value for Adabas parm NISNHQ exceeded. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Maximum value for Adabas parm NISNHQ exceeded. DB/FNR .../....
Contact your database administrator.

NAT3048: Error during Open processing. DB/Subcode :1:/:2:.

Error during Open processing. DB/Subcode .../....
An error occurred during the processing of a command such as OP or N1.
The default reason for this response code is that files are not
available at open time. Other reasons are indicated by a subcode:
 1 A specified file is locked against the requested use.
 2 A specified file is currently in conflicting use.
 4 The file is locked or in exclusive control by another user.
 8 The user ID provided in the OP command is already assigned to another
11 A non-privileged user issued an open (OP) command to a nucleus that
   is in UTIONLY (utilities only) status.
17 The data of a specified file is not accessible. This can happen if a
   utility aborts or an autorestart fails.
Further subcodes are described in the Adabas documentation.
See the documentation for nucleus response codes, or
contact your database administrator.

NAT3049: Compressed record too long. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Compressed record too long. DB/FNR .../....
The compressed record was too long for the Data Storage disk device.
Add a new DATA extent with sufficient block size.
For more information, please refer to the Adabas documentation.