Natural System Error Messages 0550-0599

NAT0598: Program code not compatible with Natural for LUW. Reason :1:.

Program code not compatible with Natural for LUW. Reason ....
The compiler parameter LUWCOMP=ON is set. The used syntax construction
is not accepted by Natural for Open Systems (LUW).
Possible reason codes:
01: More than 7 precision digits.   14: IN SHARED HOLD / SKIP IN HOLD.
04: New compiler option.            15: READLOB / UPDATELOB.
07: MOVE ALL with SUBSTR option.    16: Array field in SEPARATE.
11: READ WORK with ADJUST option.   17: SEPARATE POSITION clause.
12: REINPUT with MARK .. (CV=..).   19: Wrong system variable.
13: WRITE WORK with system variable.
For a more detailed error description, see the compiler parameter
LUWCOMP (NTCMPO macro) in the Natural documentation.
Do not use the indicated programming feature, or set LUWCOMP=OFF.